Example sentences of "see an [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 AS ANNOYING as ‘ Sesame Street ’ but funnier when you 've been to Amsterdam and seen an ocean of techno heads pogo-ing like Zebedee on amphetamines .
2 Maxim had n't seen an update of the list since leaving Number 10 .
3 Andrew Hugh Smith , ISE chairman , said : ‘ Turnover in UK equities has seen an increase of almost 50 per cent over the past year , alleviating some of the problems caused by the very low volumes after the market crash .
4 The Home Office has reportedly seen an increase of more than 40 per cent in the number of young people sentenced to young offender institutions .
5 Studies of rape in England and Wales suggest that two-thirds of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender , and that only one-third involve strangers ; that two-fifths of victims suffer physical violence as well as rape , and one-sixth suffer additional sexual indignities ; that recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of rapes between acquaintances , and that rapes are increasing a little in their intrinsic seriousness ( i.e. in terms of the violence used , other sexual acts , etc ) , but that the most significant rise has been in the average length of sentences imposed on rapists by the courts .
6 The first half of the eighteenth century had seen an increase in trade , which was paralleled by an increase in the population .
7 NORTH ‘ We 've seen an increase in activity but people are reluctant to commit themselves , ’ says Newcastle-based Peter Miller , Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ' housing spokesman .
8 The post-war period has seen an increase in labour force participation ( see Figure 2.13 ) .
9 We 've seen an increase in orders from business units around the world and also in information supplied and requests for inclusion . ’
10 The Government have seen an increase in prosperity throughout the United Kingdom and a sharing of both good times and bad .
11 Against the background of growing concern about migration pressures worldwide , recent years have seen an increase in cases where migrant , expatriate or alien communities have been obliged to leave en masse the countries in which they work or have settled .
12 THE Northern Ireland scene has seen an increase in the number of men wanting to make it into modelling .
13 Despite current low interest rates — which mean a low return on savings — the society has seen an increase in deposits , mirroring the trend reported in the BSA review .
14 That includes France which has seen an increase in footage of a thirty thousand square feet and we 've also got a number of sub-lets we 've indicated that erm sub-lets should pay reduces it
15 From what I have gathered from talking to other business people they have also seen an increase in business .
16 Of course there were friends whom I could have asked , but I had seen an opportunity to be stubborn and had dismissed each of her suggested candidates with tiresome and irrelevant objections — too fat , too blonde , too tall , too many teeth .
17 They had seen an opportunity in the submersible pumps market that could bring enormous benefits to the oil industry in terms of cost , time and safety .
18 I have never seen an avocet in Cornwall , but I 'm told that this rare and unique bird has been spotted on these marshes .
19 Weeks argues that recent history has seen an explosion of speech surrounding sex and that the 1960s in particular ‘ experienced a decisive , qualitative escalation of the volume ’ .
20 THE past couple of years has seen an explosion in the number of computing books on the shelves of even the most humble book shop .
21 The past 10 years has seen an explosion in our knowledge of the molecular biology of cancer , and nowhere has this been as exciting as in the field of large bowel cancer .
22 It is not perhaps since Romanticism that there has been so much discussion , and underlying uncertainty , about the market of literature , and it is no accident that recent years have seen an expansion of the sociology of literature as an academic discipline , alongside increased research into reading habits , the best-seller and how to write it , and the levels of writing that appeal to different strata of the public .
23 Several people have seen an animal on the moor that looks like an enormous hound .
24 Encouragingly the past couple of months have seen an upturn in measured revenues .
25 Food stocks had a dismal session after a survey suggested that fewer than half the UK 's big food companies had seen an upturn in demand by the middle of December .
26 Chairman Bob Gavron said that the group had not yet seen an upturn in its markets , and that the modest increase in pretax profits was achieved by an increase in market share in some businesses , an improved product mix , greater efficiency and cost containment .
27 Dr. Elliott detects in it ‘ a desire by the composer to accommodate progressive ideas about clear word-setting and harmonic , chordal idioms ’ : he has elsewhere invoked the violent and repressive political climate of the time , and seen an attempt by Carver to compromise — in a period of Protestant fundamentalism which had limited the formerly sumptuous musical presentations in the Chapel Royal to plainchant and Faburden improvised upon it — with the strictly harmonically-conceived music of English Reformation composers .
28 So there 's no consistent upward trend but overall we have seen an uplift since the beginning of this year .
29 The Income & Growth PEP allows you to invest in the Capital House Income & Growth Unit Trust which , despite one of the most difficult periods for stock market investment , has seen an investment of £100 grow to £183 over the last five years — had you been able to invest in the Income & Growth PEP over this period you would have received this return free of all personal taxes .
30 Have you ever seen an application with a cheerful little ‘ remove-me ’ icon ?
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