Example sentences of "see on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then I bit into the first slice of bread ; home made , plastered thickly with farm butter and topped by a lavish layer of heather honey from the long row of hives I had often seen on the edge of the moor above .
2 There is a rarely occurring minor bug , apparently due to pixels seen on the edge of the reference area under some light conditions .
3 When at last he was able to throw aside his damp sheet and make his way to the window the panorama he had last seen on the day of the sepoy attack had been transformed .
4 Since the Survey 's seventh question asked visitors to comment on the exhibitions which they had seen on the day of their visit , it was possible , by noting the number of replies which related to each of the three exhibitions , to discover the number of visitors attracted by each exhibition , whatever their assessment of it .
5 What the X-rays reveal , which can not be seen on the surface , are the soldered joins at the neck , handle and base as well as around the hole for the missing spout .
6 In the 1989 case , magma was forced into two arms of an underground fissure network ( northeast and south-southeast of the southeast crater ) but may have been stopped by a structural boundary ( the caldera del Piano ) seen on the surface as a break in slope and encompassing the southeast crater and stations Belvedere and TDF ( Fig. 1 ) .
7 Frenzied swarms of small black beetles can often be seen on the surface of still ponds and lakes .
8 Williams showed that it would be much better to concentrate on attacking U-boats which could still be seen on the surface , with a depth-charge setting of 25 feet , and ignore those which had had time to submerge , because of the uncertainty in knowing their exact position .
9 Relativity and , more importantly , quantum mechanics , were not seen on the whole as a challenge to the idea of the certainty of physics ; on the contrary , they were often presented as proof of the exciting inroads physics was making .
10 Complementary pits were seen on the E-face .
11 The road tops a hill and commences a long descent to a built-up area that , even when seen at a distance , is obviously a place of greater importance than any yet seen on the journey .
12 West from there they are seen on the north coast in the gentler province of Galicia .
13 It was hard to reconcile this crisp , terse executive with the casual shorts-clad figure she had last seen on the jetty of the sailing club , directing the noisy , giggling group of children .
14 The place of its emergence into daylight will be seen on the return journey .
15 They can be seen on the Oracle teletext system .
16 In another , she was a small speck overwhelmed by a vast and writhing darkness that reminded her of nothing so much as pictures she had seen on the cover of Tcherkassoff 's album Black Holes , and Other Singularities .
17 Disgraced minister DAVID MELLOR can be seen on the cover of ED BANGER AND THE NOSEBLEEDS ‘ Ai n't Been To No Music School ’ single .
18 According to a picture I had seen on the wall of the Royal Hotel , this Priory had been founded by King Felin O'Connor of Connaught , whose burial place it became .
19 In many a country public house in Ayrshire and far beyond , a photograph of Baron of Buchlyvie is still to be seen on the wall .
20 Worrying sign of student degeneracy seen on the wall at Warwick University Philosophy Department : Sex is not the answer .
21 Something came to her , a graffito she had seen on the wall of a burned-out Josephite temple in Denver , back when she was with the girlie gangcult .
22 The remains of the rim of this pool , which was only an inch or two deep , can be seen on the floor of the Parthenon today .
23 Many golfers remark about the attractiveness and variety of plant and animal life seen on the course , so to establish exactly what was there , representatives of B.B.O.N.T. ( Berks , Bucks and Oxon Naturalists Trust ) were invited to conduct an all-seasons survey .
24 ‘ Eric ’ Taylor , Malta 's current leading ‘ ace ’ with over seven victories , was last seen on the tail of a Stuka with a Bf109E on his own tail ; he did not return either , and was reported dead when his ‘ Mae West ’ was washed ashore with a cannon shell hole in the centre of the chest .
25 The helmet with a crest is only occasionally seen on the water now , mainly by the Kinver slalom team .
26 To this group belong all the water-lilies , which , without exception , produce the most attractive flowers seen on the water surface .
27 During the meeting , Grant had raised the possibility of the sect 's operating an armed outside patrol to circle the perimeter fence , in view of the large drugs shipment Sherman had seen on the night of his suicidal attack .
28 ( iii ) Prior to take-off no concentration of birds was seen on the airport by that aircraft crew or by ATC personnel in the tower .
29 A plaque commemorating the occasion can be seen on the quay by the Shore .
30 The booklet contains photographs taken by Bill , a list of accommodation , local stories and descriptions of the wildlife seen on the route in May .
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