Example sentences of "see in the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The six-and-a-half-hour evacuation operation , the biggest ever seen in the North Sea , involved 14 Puma helicopters making 23 flights .
2 He explained away the list of things that Waddell had seen in the Ross 's house as having been published at the trial or in the newspapers , which was not the case .
3 Mrs Thatcher is still seen in the United States as the staunchest of its allies .
4 Like chancroid and lymphogranuloma venereum , granuloma inguinale is not commonly seen in the United Kingdom , there being only sixteen cases reported in 1976 .
5 The outcome of the exercise in the White Paper , I think , had three main parts : one was a new think-tank , the Central Policy Review Staff , which presumably reflected some of the stuff you 'd seen in the United States at Rand and so on ; the other was a new system of , I suppose you would call it , zero-based budgeting , where you would look at longstanding government commitments and see if they should stagger on — that was Programme Analysis and Review ; and , to reduce the weight on Cabinet , there were to be big conglomerate departments , which led to the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of the Environment .
6 This contrasts with the decline in popular and Congressional support seen in the United States after the Apollo moon landing space spectaculars around 1970 .
7 Leading examples of this form of government can be seen in the United States , Canada , Australia and West Germany .
8 This is particularly evident around Somerton , but can also be seen in the Bath area .
9 One was seen in the Amberley/Pulborough marshes between 8 and 17 February 1958 .
10 Work by this Swiss artist a direct heir of Dada and Futurism , can be seen in the Kunsthalle section of the exhibition .
11 For there was not one gunman to be seen in the Bekaa .
12 It is also seen in the Simmental , which developed its own white face independently .
13 Output : The decline in output was greater than seen in the July survey and worse than had been anticipated , with a balance of 20pc of firms reporting a fall .
14 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
15 The works of painters such as Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko show the same ability to leap the boundaries between the space of the painting and that which the audience occupies , so clearly seen in the Nymphéas paintings in the marmottan Museum .
16 The possibility of ending of National Service was not mentioned in these guidelines , but it was the first item on the agenda of subjects to be discussed , and it was seen in the Whitehall market-place to be the political ‘ Blue Chip' stock of the year .
17 A more recent example of population loss is to be seen in the Wells area of north Norfolk ( Drudy and Wallace 1971 ) .
18 Milton Shulman , in the London Evening Standard , described Crawford and Corbett 's acting as ‘ two of the neatest comic performances I have seen in the West End for some time ’ .
19 Massine 's brilliant use of descriptive and narrative gestures in The Three-Cornered Hat was a proper development of Fokine 's mimed dance and danced mime , first seen in The Firebird and Petrushka .
20 It is therefore intriguing that our in situ hybridization analyses strongly suggest that pou[c] is ubiquitously expressed during embryonic development although the highest level of expression is seen in the CNS .
21 Erosion of the granites gives rise to a barren , rolling landscape such as is seen in the Uig Hills of western Lewis , and steep , inaccessible sea cliffs such as are present in western Harris .
22 Considerable gaseous dilatation of the small and large bowel was consistently seen in the AL and the AH patients during their hospital stay ( Fig 1 ) , whereas the abnormal gas disappeared after treatment in 12 of 13 patients with AA ( Fig 2 ) .
23 Of this , comparatively little was from Walter Machin himself , and some of these Greg had already seen in the Sunday paper articles .
24 Lawyers for the Princess of Wales have been granted an injunction to prevent further publication of photographs of her exercising in a gym seen in the Sunday and Daily Mirror newspapers .
25 Nevertheless , it seems probable that the scientific spirit , at least as seen by non-scientists , encouraged more critical and liberal attitudes to religion ; this can be seen in the Hibbert Lectures , which began in 1878 .
26 Taxonomists are not yet in full agreement as to whether the bird most likely to be seen in the Seychelles rates as a full species .
27 He rejected the FoE Scotland study as ‘ alarmist ’ , down-played damage to forests in West Germany as ‘ very small ’ and stated that ‘ no damage ’ had been seen in the UK .
28 What I have not yet seen in the UK — but I can hardly wait — is the yellow form , which is bright yellow with orange in caudal and dorsal , and blue facial markings .
29 Very occasionally a much darker red fish is shipped although this form is now rarely seen in the UK market .
30 The task of interpreting has been seen in the UK only in terms of social service , often voluntary , but never in an enabling framework .
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