Example sentences of "see the great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So we thought , first the Caribbean for a couple of weeks , then , later in the year , your mother quite wants to see the Great Wall of China before she 's too old .
2 He said , ‘ My son , my body is returning to my mother earth , and my spirit is going very soon to see the Great Spirit
3 From almost every hilltop it was possible to see the great column of smoke , still far , but much nearer than they had ever seen it before .
4 But fans were saddened to see the great man so affected by Parkinson 's disease .
5 ‘ It 's a little price to pay to see the great detective 's great detective at work , ’ said Antony .
6 One day in 1905 , George Bernard Shaw visited Professor Almroth Wright 's laboratory at St Mary 's Hospital , London , to see the great bacteriologist 's work on phagocytosis and the assessment of immunity by his ‘ opsonic index ’ ( a primitive measure of antibodies ) .
7 I visited the chapel at Strangeways prison to see the great destruction that had occurred , and I wondered whether human beings could have been responsible for it .
8 In the future , if ever my old feelings about Mr Rochester began to return , I would only have to glance at the two pictures to see the great difference between us , and in this way common sense would destroy my foolish dreams .
9 Mark Twain , for example , who went to see the Great Exhibition of 1867 , wrote : ‘ ( I saw ) Napoleon in military uniform — long-bodied , short-legged man , fiercely moustached , old , wrinkled , with eyes half-closed and such a deep crafty scheming expression about them . ’
10 Cornish celebrities of his acquaintance included John Couch Adams , discoverer of the planet Neptune , and Mary Kelynack , renowned as the lady who , at the age of eighty , walked from Newlyn to London and back to see the Great Exhibition of 1851 .
11 Now , as the chairman said we base the salaries of directors on two elements an element of base salary which looks at market levels and we ergo , have a fair base which reflects a sort of medium to upper level of companies of this size we then leverage , very carefully , a bonus scheme related to performance and I believe that is the right thing to do and I believe and so do my fellow directors who sit on that committee believe that it is one of the reasons that we 've seen the great growth in this company over the last five years which you 've achieved and which actually the Chancellor of the Exchequer would very glad about because it is increasing the wealth and the benefit of this country , particularly as a lot of those earnings are coming from overseas and will in , in time be repatriated in Britain .
12 ‘ You have seen the great bear in the Tower bailey ? ’
13 It was only a forty-minute scramble away from Bira through dry and spiny scrub before we could see the great tree looming far above any of the surrounding vegetation .
14 At the end of this road we could see the great house standing with a pale light round it like a ghost .
15 To his left wing he could see the great blackness of the Park , lit only occasionally by murky yellow lights .
16 This made him see the great urgency of persuading ‘ such ignorant , presumptuous and careless sinners as the world aboundeth with ’ to repent and believe in Christ .
17 Will I see the great icing the great big father Christmas blow up one .
18 From our balcony we could see the great Bugis sailing prahus scything past us into the harbour .
19 As a conservator in Europe , involved with the treatment of stone and marble affected by the ravages of twentieth-century pollution , I was delighted when I saw the great marble buildings at Agra seemingly unaffected by such problems .
20 Dimly she saw the Great Tower peak in a cone of white flame ; Adam seemed not to move , but Fand and Liban fell , and Fincara staggered before the sheeting fire .
21 On the morrow the Cid took Doña Ximena by the hand , and her daughters with her , and made them go up upon the highest tower of the Alcazar , and they looked toward the sea and saw the great power of the Moors , how they came on and drew nigh , and began to pitch their tents round about Valencia , beating their tambours and with great uproar .
22 The billhook had sliced into his naked thigh and , turning , she saw the great curve of red blood begin to bubble in the air , saw him slowly sink like a wounded animal , his hands plucking the air .
23 Moore looked up , and saw the great rat coming down towards him .
24 Then he looked up and saw the great rat .
25 He saw the great slice that had been hacked out of the table .
26 It was undoubtedly this conspicuous earthwork which attracted Philip Corder , who instantly saw the great challenge and possibilities it offered .
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