Example sentences of "see the [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That means looking up the tide tables to see the times of high and low water and the tidal stream list to find the maximum rates .
2 It does seem though , that nothing came of these leases , and during 1749 upon request by Sir William Fleming , one John Lawson ( a Quaker ) sent up Joseph Vipone to see the mines at Coniston and for this Lawson paid him 12s. plus 4s. for a horse for four days .
3 The users may not have been involved to the extent of being able to see the repercussions of the system design they had ‘ agreed ’ with the analyst .
4 ‘ Madam , it grieves me deeply to see the straits to which your bereavement has brought you , ’ observed the chancellor after a formal obeisance .
5 It is entirely right , therefore , that we are beginning to see the signs of peer assessment being employed as part of the formal assessment procedure in some institutions of higher education .
6 The refusal to see the signs of malnutrition and dehydration , or the determination to see them as something other than what they are , as a nervous condition to be treated with painkillers , tranquillizers , tonics and elixirs , represents the worst instance of collective bad faith in Bom Jesus de Mata .
7 13 months ago schools minister Tim Eggar came to see the problems for himself .
8 Type A is the easiest to make and costs least , though it is harder to see the caterpillars in this kind of cage .
9 We are not going to see the likes of Philip Hardman again . ’
10 I would like to see the likes of West Belfast broken down .
11 Should things go well , it would be nice to see the likes of Darren Patterson and Keith Rowland getting a run .
12 In a few weeks we can expect to see the likes of Boris Becker chomping away on a banana between sets at Wimbledon , and the saga of the Euro-banana versus the Dollar banana is likely to keep the fruit in the news .
13 It is interesting to see the gravestones of the numerous people who came here for a cure for consumptive diseases and remained for ever .
14 I had to react in a split second , so I was a bit hurt to see the papers on Tuesday morning suggesting that my actions in that one second cost England the Test match .
15 We do not have to go far to see the houses of the men of 1880 ; many of us are still living in them .
16 This excursion takes you to Delft to see how the famous blue pottery is made and then continues to The Hague to see the Houses of Parliament , the Peace Palace and other notable sites .
17 That is when we want to see the laws in action ’ .
18 I went across the course to the stands side to see the horses in the paddock , and then I went up to the very comfy Tribune des Dames , for which the French Racing Authorities so generously send me a badge each year .
19 ‘ It was a really frightening feeling to see the trolleys on the line .
20 ( Balvinder Singh , in a fit of unusual prudishness , had long since refused to come on my trips to see the eunuchs in Old Delhi : ‘ Mr William .
21 Survival instinct is absolutely incredible , to see the wounds of a terrier and a fox when they have locked jaw locked and are pulled squealing out of a hole , I think I am deeply concerned about anybody here today that can turn that blind eye because what their terrier men are doing is dog fighting , make no bones about it , they wo n't be interested in laying the scent , they will not be interested in being retrained and helping your fraternity .
22 She has recently returned from a journey in Romania to see the conditions of at least 1,000 children under the age of one , who had contracted AIDS through injections with dirty needles or contaminated blood .
23 However , I have had occasion recently to visit the Church Road offices of the Environmental Health and Building Control sections of the Council and I have been appalled to see the conditions in which these people have to work .
24 This approach places a heavy emphasis on the institutions of the state alone ; it describes institutions and institutional relationships in suffocating detail ; and because it focuses on constitutional " law " quite uncritically it tends to see the connections between state and society formally , simply , and legalistically in a way that ignores informal patterns of power in society and economy .
25 They should be able to see the connections between diverse areas of human experience , and should become more aware of the assumptions that underlie their beliefs .
26 Besides , you 'll probably still be able to see the lights from the shore . ’
27 In fact she agreed cheerfully that she liked to see the whites of the eyes of any constable stupid enough to encounter her with tie undone or shirt unbuttoned .
28 Everybody hates a bad leaver but , whereas in the West you can usually close the door on a guest who has finally reached the garden gate , in the islands it is impolite to stop waving and chanting until he is either round a corner and out of sight , or else too distant to be able to see the whites of his eyes .
29 Gripping the sharp branch with both hands , she worked her way along it until she was close enough to see the whites of his eyes .
30 It was quite dark when Breeze let herself into the house , and for a second she was dazzled by the electric light , and failed to see the suitcases in the hall .
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