Example sentences of "see [pn reflx] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One trainee on a course for people looking for employment commented that seeing himself on video in a mock interview was an experience that changed his life .
2 R. J. Campbell even had the honour of seeing himself in wax at Madame Tussauds .
3 ‘ He seemed ’ , wrote his early biographer Anthony Sampson , ‘ to see himself as part of a fashionable play . ’
4 ‘ It was the first time I 'd ever seen myself on screen .
5 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
6 This problem faced by the teacher who sees himself as deliverer of prepacked information is admirably expressed by Caldwell Cook , who worked in the Perse School , Cambridge .
7 But Watson does not only see himself as publicity agent for his cause .
8 CAC sees itself as part of the community of East Manchester and this is borne out by the fact that the company is now employing the third generation of workers from local families .
9 The tape was made collectively , and Siobhan still sees herself as part of an alternative to the mainstream .
10 I do n't see myself in competition with other comedians , although I am . ’
11 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
12 They do n't see themselves in competition with each other .
13 Useful for ro∘le-playing — students can see themselves in situation when the VTR is played back .
14 With the arrival of a child a woman tends to see herself as parent first and partner second .
15 One of the most important aspects is that we saw ourselves as town traders — that magical area where buyer and seller come together .
16 I wanted to pick someone who saw herself as part of the community and yet stood up for her rights .
17 As the audience saw themselves on screen they began to ‘ perform ’ for the cameras and within minutes the whole audience was cheering , singing and even dancing in the aisles .
18 The club and its supporters saw themselves as part of the mythical ‘ aristocracy ’ of football but Macari insisted they were out of touch with modern football and embarked on a mission to toughen the team and its image .
19 What the participants in this group discussion saw themselves as doing was working to make sure that their children could hope for a better life .
20 ‘ The first thing I thought when I saw myself on video was , ‘ Gosh , do I really look that bad ? ’ ’ confides Kitty , who has the problematic body of your standard middle-aged woman : potbelly , cellulite , stretch marks .
21 To see yourself as part of some greater humanist scheme …
22 On the other hand you need to be able to see yourself as part of a whole , to recognise the relationship between you , the world and everyone else in it .
23 The drama school will give you some advice on when and where to write to , and how you organise your letters , but outside advice is very important in helping you to see yourself in perspective .
24 It will be videoed , to se you 'll make two applications within that small group session and a second will be videoed but only for you to see so that you can take it away and try and learn from er seeing yourself on video .
25 It 's really weird seeing yourself on telly .
26 ‘ I was sick of seeing myself on television , so I thought the poor public , how are they going to cope .
27 When I took over , the ‘ Whads ’ were already twenty points adrift from the rest of football and while not seeing myself beyond blame entirely , my denial of any involvement in our downfall does not mean my commitment is any less than 110 per cent .
28 Furthermore , teachers must get used to seeing themselves on film .
29 This ‘ bad faith ’ operates among the doctors and pharmacists who allow their knowledge and skill to be abused ; among the politicians who wish to see themselves as community benefactors , while knowing full well that they are nothing of the sort ; and even among the poor who are so often critical of the medical ‘ care ’ they receive yet continue to hold out for a medical solution to their social and economic problems .
30 Problems that arise include the unwillingness of clinicians to see themselves as resource managers .
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