Example sentences of "see [adv] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of Owen and Huxley there was a complex relationship , for Owen had been almost his father-in-science ; but Owen had other serious reasons for seeing little in Darwinism .
2 Nijinska insisted on the use of the pointes in order to emphasise the elongated portraits of the Byzantine Saints , thus the dancers ' bodies mostly face the audience but their arms and legs turn inwards and are seen mostly in profile .
3 Unfortunately for birdwatchers , the three species are most likely to be seen together in summer when the males will probably be moulting into their so-called ‘ eclipse ’ plumage .
4 None the less , within the Review itself a particular kind of space was offered to modernism , seen especially in reviews written by Bateson ( see pp. 81–2 ) .
5 His celebrated ‘ secret ’ works , mainly from his early years , include a series of masochistic self-portraits , subjects in the terrible gear of subjugation and self-disgust , studies of penis and pistil , and move with astonishing art to consideration of the body ( usually seen only in part ) as a piece of classical relief .
6 In her palm lies the bright scrap of a highly illegal netfly , something which Reynard has seen only in illustrations before .
7 Indeed , the effect of early treatment on infarct size and expansion may be seen only in subgroups of patients , and future studies should be directed at identifying such groups .
8 One plant did elude the museum 's staff Genlisea , a filamentous aquatic plant with an ingenious ‘ mouth , gullet , stomach ’ arrangement can be seen only in diagram .
9 Strangely , for a Doctor Who story , the alien villains of the piece , the Voord , were seen only in Episode One and in half of Episode Six .
10 Finally , Richard Wilson 's ‘ 20.50 ’ oil sculpture , on exhibition at the Saatchi Collection for the last twelve months , will be recreated on the top floor of Seville 's Museo de Arte Contemporaneo , although it will be seen only in June and July .
11 The extreme condition of fetal alcohol syndrome is seen only in babies born to women who habitually take more than 10 units of alcohol a day .
12 Their design was a radical departure from the traditional concept of a tramcar , and incorporated features of styling and comfort which had been seen only in motor-coaches of the day .
13 With a more in depth analysis of results , restoration of continence was seen only in patients achieving a squeeze duration over 30 seconds .
14 He suggested that a residual motion of the fibres was present in the dark , so that true blacks could be seen only in daylight , by comparison with surrounding objects .
15 Tiredness , the excitement of the journey and of sitting , so late , at a pavement café such as I had seen only in films ( these agreeable continental institutions had not yet spread to London , far less pre-Festival Edinburgh ) , as well as the unaccustomed intake of alcohol , all made my head reel .
16 Her embarrassment forgotten , Folly craned across him to see the dome which , until now , she had seen only in pictures .
17 Dual-subject degrees exist in both the universities and polytechnics , but their place in each is subtly different ; in the former they are seen largely in relation to the single honours degree , which constitutes a kind of academic gold standard , whereas in the latter they come under the general rubric of ‘ combined studies ’ .
18 Even in Cramlington , the activities of the developer builders were seen largely in terms of providing a population to serve as the basis of demand for services , rather than , as was clearly the case for the public sector , in terms of providing housing so as to assemble a labour force for new industries .
19 On top of that he and Newman will be seen soon in Standing Room Only BBC2 's witty series about football .
20 The first is that when people are discharged from hospital early they should be seen soon in out-patients .
21 From early May until late September our urban commons are green jungles , reflecting seasonal changes in a way rarely seen elsewhere in towns .
22 The region is relatively untouched by urban and industrial development , and contains a wealth of animal and plant species not seen elsewhere in Poland , including bison , wolf , otter and some 200 species of birds .
23 Labour believes schooling should be brought up to levels seen elsewhere in Europe .
24 Several themes recur throughout the book , grit and courage , an inexplicable sense of insecurity , a solemnity which Gooch has cultivated almost consciously as an image , and a love of playing for his county which the author suggests is not often seen elsewhere in county cricket ( although one or two from Yorkshire might disagree ) .
25 On the other hand , the issues were now seen broadly in terms of welfare ; the physical arrangements of housing and land use had to be part of a wider canvas which tackled poverty and social opportunity .
26 In spite of the power and continuing influence of Skinner 's ideas , it is important that Verbal Behaviour is seen more in terms of a set of claims or predictions , which are illustrated with anecdotal evidence and hypothetical examples , rather than a theory which has been tested against research evidence .
27 It was seen both in Cardiff and elsewhere as , in the words of one stipendiary , a form of ‘ legalised touting ’ ( Morton 1977 , p.293 ) .
28 It is interesting that , as the opportunity to paint for a specific exhibition has offered itself , a freer and less tentative approach can be seen both in subject matter and technique .
29 These dangers can be seen both in structuralism and in other approaches to literature which all thought they were avoiding them .
30 This failure to invest for the long term can be seen also in innovation , the development of new ideas and products .
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