Example sentences of "see [noun prp] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 She took one last glance at the window above to see Maria Luisa with her palms flat against the window-pane , desperately , mutely pleading with Ruth for help with eyes so full of pain that Ruth 's nerves nearly snapped .
2 Kelly told him and then went on to fill in the details — Broom-Parker , seeing Ibn Fayoud with Jack Butler in the car park at Kempton racecourse , her conversation with Harry Short .
3 Have got today ( Monday 17th ) off ( yippee ! ) but have n't done much — slightly hungover from last night , I went to see Tex Mex with Ruth & Euan & some of their friends , the food was great , & so today had a long lie in then went to a few shops … which were n't open because it 's an Edinburgh holiday …
4 A woman called Charlotte Culham gave evidence that she had often seen Mrs Dyer with small children , and also seen her with packages that resembled the bodies of small children .
5 Four weeks later the partners returned to see Mr Barnes with the news that BCCI chief executive Swaleh Naqvi had admitted that false documentation had been prepared ‘ to deceive the auditors ’ , and that he had given information about loans to BCCI shareholders secured on CCAH shares .
6 of her , he could see Martin standing with his arms folded and resting on the mantelshelf .
7 Then she saw Nigel dancing with a well-rounded girl with yellow hair and pouting lips .
8 ‘ No player , at a moment that mattered , ever saw Herbert Chapman with a long face .
9 Behind him , as he staggered from view , Jimmy saw Barbara standing with the neck of a broken whisky bottle in her hand , seized from one of the Christmas party tables .
10 As we slowly descended , the mist cleared a little , and we found ourselves amid sheep pastures … ’ wrote the late Louis Littman , a successful businessman , when he and his wife first saw Ashley Chase with a view to buying it .
11 When Harry smeared away the blood from his face and opened his eyes again it was to see Isambard standing with one foot flattening the whip to the floor , and the bronze lantern of his face blazing with such an intensity of dangerous , silent fury that even Harry , who was no longer threatened , shrank with sympathetic dread .
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