Example sentences of "see [pers pn] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The DHSS made me go to see them every day — I had a broken bone in my ankle but they still made me go every day !
2 Oh I 'd hate to see them every day would you ?
3 Maybe he just did n't think when they showed him it , that it was n't the right one cos I suppose if you 've seen them every day you do n't , it does n't register it 's just the fact that of course your dad only gave him the price of the blue and white
4 Christina had seen it every day for the past few months , but had to admit that tonight it looked especially magical .
5 She had seen it every night and morning for at least 15 of their 18 years of marriage .
6 You 've been glad enough to have a doctor coming to see you every day — you , John , with your head broken … or you , George , sick and shaking with fever only a few hours ago .
7 Yes I 'd see them every week .
8 ‘ You must come and see me every day .
9 It meant that she could see you every day , work closely with you , even travel abroad with you . ’
10 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
11 We used to call and see him every day , often on our way to and from school , and so did our parents .
12 ‘ I 'm not happy if I do n't see him every day — he 's necessary to my life . ’
13 I must see her every day , she must face it full on and she , as , I must stay here , and so Alison must be here too .
14 She refused to let him come with her , but reluctantly agreed that either he or Shelley could call and see her every day before she went out or undertook any exercise other than gentle walking .
15 You need something that can be changed every day as the number grows , somewhere people can see it every day .
16 I used to see him every day , basically , every night , just working with him in the studio and stuff , and I think it will always be there , thinking of him and everything .
17 He was free , he was well fed and looked after , and he had a girl who came to see him every day .
18 The assistant headteacher agreed to see him every day , on an informal basis , to get a chance to talk to him about home , family and school and to offer support where possible .
19 She was transferred from home to a private rehabilitation centre , but she was not happy there because she had little privacy , and her family could not travel to see her every day .
20 … The prince going to see her every day .
21 After the operation , her surgeon dropped in to see her every day , often twice a day .
22 Mrs Edwards 's former next-door neighbour , Ruth Duncan , called to see her every day and spent some time with her on Monday evening , leaving about 9pm .
23 He came to see her every evening and asked her to recount the events of that day .
24 Also , it is likely that although I will get custody of my daughter , he will also be given leave to see her every week , and likely for a longer period than he sees her now .
25 ‘ If you part from a lover there is no point in saying goodbye and then seeing him every day , ’ she said .
26 She would need to be a masochist to put herself through this kind of torment , seeing him every day , working with him , knowing it could never lead anywhere .
27 Although Ross had insisted on seeing her every day , during that time he had never done anything more than kiss her hand .
28 Their names were Farag and Libab and he saw them every day .
29 ‘ I 'd make sure he saw me every time before he went out the door .
30 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
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