Example sentences of "see [pers pn] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Once they 've joined in the Pirates Club , you 'll be lucky to see them at all , as they go through their paces for the junior cabaret ( where a lot of hidden young talent come to light ) , or as they enjoy the treasure hunts and fancy dress parties .
2 What I still could n't understand was why he wanted to see me at all .
3 ‘ I 've sweated blood to get him to agree to see me at all .
4 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
5 I 've seen them after all ( she 's talking still faster ) … for Harriet they 're just future factory fodder .
6 hardly seen you at all .
7 ‘ It 's the first time I 've seen him without all his hangers-on , ’ Cy commented .
8 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
9 ‘ You have n't seen him at all ? ’
10 And during the last four years you have n't seen him at all , while I 've spent nine or ten hours a day with him , sometimes even more if we 're particularly busy .
11 ‘ Have n't you seen him at all ? ’
12 Cos I , I have n't seen him at all .
13 If I think about it I have n't seen him at all .
14 I have n't seen him at all .
15 After all her husband is in Venice- and she had n't seen him in all the war years , ’ he said .
16 He has seen her for all of 30 seconds .
17 I have n't seen her with all her clothes off you know .
18 Oh no you know she 's gon na sort of , sort of suus , so erm , I said oh it 's alright it 's only Eve 's house keeper , and I got back on the phone I said no I 'm every sorry to leave you hanging on I said no I do n't know where she is , I have n't seen her all morning , I have n't seen her at all , and er I said bye then , she said what 's the matter with you she said , I said what do you mean what 's the matter with me , she said oh , why you talking funny ?
19 Was I sure I had seen it at all ?
20 For a moment he thought that a sprinkling of light fell wherever Fael-Inis walked , but as it touched the floor it vanished , and he could not be sure that he had seen it at all .
21 I 've not seen it mummy , I 've not seen it at all .
22 This new order accords with the logic of Marx 's thinking , as we have seen it in all the works we have discussed so far .
23 And when I found out my Friday meeting was being moved forward and I would n't be seeing you after all I asked your Miss Philimore to cancel it .
24 Intimacy means allowing one person to see you with all your defences down , stripped of any masks .
25 Indeed , I may say it was not my wish to see you at all .
26 Give the customers plenty of opportunity to see you from all angles and let them feel the cloth if they want to .
27 Mayoress : ( warmly ) It 's good to see you after all I 've heard .
28 Frankly , it wo n't break my heart if we do n't see them at all . ’
29 I may be that , like the street cars of San Francisco , artists living in London see them so much , they do n't see them at all .
30 I do not see them at all .
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