Example sentences of "see [prep] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Patients were accepted for endoscopic injection if an active bleeder ( spurter or oozer ) was seen during an emergency endoscopic examination after resuscitation .
2 A number of black children , particularly boys , seem to lose interest in the school 's aims ( unless they are good at games , then they dissociate that from the rest ) in the third year and , from then , become increasingly seen as an anti-culture … probably the most striking manifestation of West Indian pupils , is just that group of large boys , and the sort of threatening physical presence , which you can see consistently around the school .
3 In the Gospel faith is seen as an act of trust by which a person relies not on himself or herself but on Jesus .
4 Louis XVIII , another restored monarch , accepted a constitution in 1814 on condition that the constitution was reasonably ‘ balanced ’ and was seen as an act of grace by the crown and not as an imposition upon it .
5 It was seen as an act of prudence .
6 This could be seen as an approximation to a Ramsey-optimal price structure , though the analogy is probably rather forced .
7 Hence it is worth explaining , in a way that elsewhere might not be necessary and would be seen as an indulgence , that in our case , once permission was granted , no limits were laid down by senior officers and no censorship role has been retained by the RUC over the final manuscript .
8 The pylorus is seen as an incisure ( p ) , and shows closure of the viscus .
9 In this subject the stomach is crescent shaped and the pylorus can be seen as an incisure at its distal end ( arrowed ) .
10 Also in America there is the singular example of Yvor Winters , sometimes seen as an equivalent of Leavis , who was a poet of conservative but original talents , and a fiercely judgemental critic , who weirdly redrew the canons of English and American literature , so that T. Sturge Moore and Elizabeth Daryush emerged as major twentieth-century poets .
11 The prices that different social groups are able to afford for land can be seen as an equivalent to natural species competing for space .
12 Investment is seen as an activity of firms .
13 The Child Poverty Action Group might also be seen as an expert and appropriate group to raise social security matters , having been for many years active in campaigning on such matters .
14 Dehaene , 51 , came from the trade union wing of the Flemish Christian Socials ( CVP ) ; he had negotiated the formation of the last coalition in 1988 [ see pp. 36047-49 ] and was seen as an expert mediator .
15 Because grants to courtiers came to be seen as an abuse , monopolies to individuals were prohibited in 1624 , but corporations could still receive them and they continued to be the basis for trade outside Europe in the seventeenth century .
16 In all these market phases , the producer could still be seen as an originator , though in practice , throughout , there were qualifications .
17 Not every reflux event detected by a fall in pH was seen as an increase in counts as a result of reflux of food , and vice versa .
18 Not every reflux event detected , however , by a fall in pH to less than 4 was seen as an increase in counts because of reflux of food , and vice versa .
19 Investors have argued that the involvement of the French government , which provided cheap land and finance for , and is promising a rail link to , the project , is seen as an insurance project .
20 Furnish your home in this adventurous style and you will be seen as an innovator .
21 Proceedings initiated by Finland in July 1991 at the International Court of Justice were formally discontinued on Sept. 10 , removing what had been seen as an irritant in Nordic co-operation .
22 Furthermore , the data were based on assessments made by care staff ; in the public sector staff have an incentive to minimise the dependency of their clients as it is seen as an index of the quality of care being provided .
23 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
24 Mannerism is usually seen as an RCA development ; but once again we find that it was already developing during the Sun period , notably in ‘ Baby Let's Play House ’ ( 1955 ) .
25 She suggests that the ‘ board ’ money which young people paid for living in the parental household was seen as an exchange , especially for daughters : they handed over their wages to their mothers and in exchange their mothers equipped them to enable them to go into service .
26 Art is seen as an exercise in fine motor skills or appreciation of nature and not as a creative activity .
27 It was also an implicit protest at what many in Co-operation had seen as an exercise which at best fundamentally misconceived the Movement 's nature and aspirations , at worst misused them for the purposes of a political performance .
28 Thus , the degree of fit between phonological choice and network structure may be seen as an issue quite separate from the absolute level of use of a particular range of variants .
29 I think it 's very undesirable that it should be seen as an issue of women versus men , because the chances of getting anywhere are reduced if it 's set up in that way .
30 When the CNAA consulted its related institutions and others about the future guidelines for the DipHE many of the polytechnics pointed out that the emphasis on an ‘ interlock ’ between the Diploma and degree programmes prevented the Diploma from being seen as an award in its own right , and devalued it : it appeared to be a failed degree .
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