Example sentences of "see [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 've been trying to see about that lot where the boys ' grammar school is int they ?
2 The minister is then faced with the task of keeking to see during that prayer whether there are enough potential listeners to justify proceedings with his prepared material .
3 However , it is possible that the fluid seen during that visitation once saturated the body but had leaked from the cadaver during the intervening 250 years and thence from the coffin , owing to seasonal fluctuations in the humidity within the vault .
4 Both these , of course , also have underneath the pattern of the blueprint detective story and all that we have seen about that sort of book applies to the backgrounder , though perhaps with less rigour .
5 The chick will not imprint on objects seen after that time .
6 So today 's record GCSE entries — coming hot on the heels of last week 's record ‘ A ’ level scores — have to be seen against that background .
7 There was no government policy to fundamentally tackle unemployment and seen against that background , many at the meeting felt they were playing a game .
8 Seen against that double undermining , reason seems no longer to offer its traditional security .
9 We have seen above that strain will be maximal if the path length l is .
10 You may even wish to say what things of interest may be seen along that route .
11 After things that we 've seen in that field .
12 Other firms still see themselves as totally entrepreneurial : Korn/Ferry and Whitehead Mann must be seen in that category .
13 ‘ Both the settlers and the natives assured me ’ , wrote Gould , ‘ that they [ the bronzewings ] had suddenly arrived , and that they had never before been seen in that part of the country .
14 Drugs are a science based industry 's problem solving approach to health care and should be seen in that context .
15 Any subsequent increases should be seen in that context .
16 One very extensive class is er is a calcium activated potassium channel , where calcium 's now activating from the inside as we 've already seen in that example I showed you early on .
17 Maybe I was just a provincial or something , but I began to see that I was among the strangest audience I 'd seen in that place .
18 Well of course bear in mind that when these observations are made , as they are at present , erm at spots over the atmosphere , they 're represent the weather as seen from that spot .
19 There is a further defence where the accused proves he was inside a dwelling and has no reason to believe his conduct would be heard or seen outside that dwelling or any other dwelling ( Section 5(3) ) .
20 It 's now fifteen months since the Tories were elected for a fourth term and what 've we seen since that election ?
21 The current excavations are the first time that the theatre 's remains have been seen since that destruction .
22 Suddenly , only the second car to be seen on that road all day pulled up .
23 Indeed , if I may build on what they have said and sum up my position on the future of the European Community , it is this : in the new Europe that has emerged from the ashes of the second world war and now from the grim shadows of the cold war , new possibilities for peace and prosperity across Europe exist which have probably never before been seen on that continent .
24 I would n't have been the first guy he 'd ever seen at that hour .
25 These cover a large range of things , like the patient 's age , the patient 's sex , where the pain is , where it started , how quickly it came on , and so on and so forth , and essentially within the computer has a large table , and this table contains , how shall I put it , the frequency with which this particular symptom was associated with a particular disease over the last few hundred patients that have been seen at that hospital .
26 ‘ I would n't be seen at that beast 's house .
27 I guess I just wanted to be seen at that point .
28 None had been seen at that time in the Harwell experiments that preceded ZETA but Kurchatov announced that the Soviets were seeing some neutrons which were due to fusion occurring , but were unlikely to be from thermonuclear fusion because the rate of their production did not vary with current in the expected way .
29 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
30 He was seen by that general 's daughter . ’
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