Example sentences of "see [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was just wondering what sort of future you wanted to see for women in terms of their awareness of their own power ?
2 She drove across the bridge into Cookham , scarcely able to see for tears of shock and anger .
3 So , ending on a positive note rather than a pessimistic note , what would you like to see for universities in the future ?
4 How it rained in Arbroath ; trying to see through curtains of falling water makes a nonsense of note-taking .
5 His diminutive figure was always to be seen during battles with the opposition , and for this reason he gained exceptionally early admission to the Rowdies as a kind of unofficial mascot .
6 The anal pressure profile in spinal patients always resembled that seen during rises in intra-abdominal pressure caused by inflating the balloon and did not show any anal relaxation or reduction in external anal sphincter activity .
7 Left-wing militancy a–d more especially the left-ward lurch of the Socialist Party are thus seen as responses to right-wing intransigence , and the right as bearing the main responsibility for political breakdown , ever-worsening social conflict , and ultimately , civil war .
8 Fan letters , fanzines and the many SF conventions around the world can be seen as responses to such experiences of reading SF .
9 These changes can be seen as elements of a programme intended to open up more aspects of public sector provision to the market and to undermine the powers of state bureaucracy , particularly as highlighted by exponents of ‘ public choice theory ’ .
10 Paley was quite right to insist that the adaptation of each individual species to its environment was an indication of divine forethought , but it was equally important to demonstrate the existence of an underlying pattern that showed that all species could be seen as elements within a rational plan .
11 Despite the crises of the period 1945–50 , these years can also be seen as ones of great opportunity .
12 It is also a play in which mortals are seen as figures of infinite pathos in a universe controlled by the whims of a cruel fate and a capricious deity .
13 Symmetry about the vertical exerts powerful effects on figure-ground segregation in normal observers ; other factors being equal , symmetrical shapes are seen as figures against asymmetrical grounds .
14 THE APPROACH of the Eden Park Test initially was viewed with trepidation , and the majority of the five changes to the home team were seen as signs of disarray rather than as providing fresh blood .
15 Bankers and tourism may be seen as signs of economic insecurity .
16 There are therefore different aspects of the functionalist style which can most readily be seen as tensions between empiricism and rationalism or positivism and idealism .
17 Even if literary texts were not seen as copies of reality , they were nevertheless regarded as copies of structuralist models .
18 But , in so far as they are to be seen as sons of the lost primal mother , they clearly represent the manic alternative to the depressive self-punishment of the followers of Cybele or the castrated and killed sons of the Great Mother represented by Attis and Tammuz , by the dead and dismembered Osiris , or the crucified Christ .
19 Pornography , prostitution and homosexuality continue to be seen as variations on a theme to this day , something we implicitly acknowledged when we adopted the word ‘ gay ’ as our own .
20 However , so long as the figures are seen as illustrations of typical developments and not as a catalogue of all possible types of flow , this may not matter much .
21 The relatively puny Fascist and Communist movements in Britain gained attention because they were seen as projections of much more important European counterparts .
22 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
23 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
24 These were seen as products of a new strategy on the part of Britain to ensure its continued domination of Ireland :
25 Prescriptive rules , on the other hand , are seen as directions for action .
26 Both were seen as sources of disease , bodily or spiritual , moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land .
27 Findings discovered in this way should be seen as sources of hypotheses for further testing , not as results in themselves .
28 Those on the left who have dared not to act in moderation — the Hattons , Grants and Livingstones — have been violently pilloried , whilst their counterparts on the right — the Tebbits , the Brittans — have usually been seen as pioneers of reform .
29 The point is not that the theological pronouncements of scientists are to be discounted but rather that they do sometimes have to be seen as efforts at mediation .
30 As football has become a big-business enterprise in this country , and since the players , who once were seen as members of the same working-class community as the fans themselves , have become rich superstars , the close identity between fans and their team has been eroded .
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