Example sentences of "see [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had been twice to see Rousseau 's paintings very reluctantly .
2 Irina , in these days , was often out , shopping , or visiting Pat , or going to see Marcus 's solicitor , a Mr Garent , or simply wandering about London being ( to use her phrase ) a ‘ mystery woman ’ .
3 She handed it to Donna , who turned it over in her hands , seeing Ward 's handwriting on the front .
4 She stopped and bit her lip , then , seeing Sophie 's colour rising , she added , ‘ Edward told me that he had seen you and Robert kissing out on the balcony . ’
5 Then , seeing Peggy 's lips pouting sulkily , she took out a further three pence .
6 ‘ Actually , there 's quite a good exchange on those lines in Catch-22 , the movie — much underrated film — which is n't in the book , so Buck Henry must have written it , where Nately 's been killed and Yossarian 's been to Milo 's whorehouse to see Nately 's whore and Milo 's picked him up in the half-track and he 's saying Nately died a rich man ; he had such-and-such a number of shares in M&M enterprises , and Yossarian says — ’
7 Sort of , when we went to see Jan 's mother for Christmas , I was saying to myself yeah , mm this time last year I was on holiday from work
8 Yesterday exactly a week after he suffered serious leg and arm injuries on a country road at Stillington Jason told of his nightmare which started when he was accused of seeing Pringle 's ex-girlfriend , Leanne Rees .
9 With every crack of the wood he was seeing Madra 's face , and the tears springing into it .
10 He wanted to see Garibaldi 's house .
11 It is possible to see Halliday 's view of theme — as whatever comes in initial position in the clause — as a reflection of ( a ) the nature of English as a language with relatively fixed word order , and ( b ) his study of Chinese , this being a language with a special category of topic which always occurs at the beginning of the clause .
12 It seems right to see Hubble 's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision .
13 He had been recommended to see Ken 's show , took a box for the evening and could n't stop laughing .
14 Would you like to see Pat 's house ?
15 I suppose I 'd half-expected it , seeing Malpass 's pistol , the rest was almost auto-suggestion .
16 ‘ I did n't find you — Roman did , ’ she said simply , seeing Dana 's colour fade at the mention of Roman 's name .
17 Wright is correct to see Paisley 's interpretation of liberty as a development of this view .
18 We 're only going to see David 's grandmother . ’
19 Quickly she turned her head to see David 's reaction to seeing his ex-fiancée again after such a long time .
20 Empirically , the problem of seeing Labour 's rise in West Ham as part of the metropolitan experience is that the borough was administratively separate .
21 He left the question in the air , and Claudia was n't surprised to see Dana 's smile deepen .
22 Bastian , the independent scholar/dealer , who organised the show together with another independent curator , Werner Spies , says that he is most pleased with the reaction of an old couple from Dresden , who on the first day said that they had been longing to see Picasso 's work for forty years .
23 He joined the Chinese Society at the University having been ‘ knocked out ’ by seeing Antonioni 's cult film ‘ Shanghai ’ .
24 Her eyes flickered for a split-second to see Lucenzo 's reaction .
25 Passing through Frampton only someone on a completely different train on a completely different line could fail to see Rovers ' ground in the Happy Shopper Leisurerama complex with its 24-foot inflatable baked bean can nestling against the track .
26 ‘ Perhaps you 'd like to see Ruth 's room ? ’
27 The first was to see Halley 's comet , and the second the arrival of was it the " first " aeroplane arriving at Hendon ?
28 He was interested to see Ray 's collection , presented to Samuel Dale just before he died , who later passed them on to Chelsea .
29 He was examining his gloves with scrupulous care , not wanting to see Topaz 's disappointment .
30 Rather , we need to see Carol 's use of both LE and Creole as part of a deliberate ( though not necessarily conscious ) strategy of code switching for conversational ends .
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