Example sentences of "one [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Documents we have obtained show that one contract for the extension to the London Underground Jubilee Line is to go to a German firm , even though a British company is desperate for the work .
2 One hang-up for the profit-motivated British garage is that they feel it is not worth taking on work for less than a tenner .
3 It takes about one hour for the mite to bury itself in the skin .
4 For most people , it takes about one hour for the liver to reduce blood alcohol by 15ml/100ml .
5 It takes about one hour for the alcohol from a drink to reach its peak concentration in the blood .
6 Allow one hour for the announcement to circulate , then shoot anyone who violates the curfew . ’
7 These Six Articles affirmed royal support for the central Catholic doctrines of transubstantiation , communion in one kind for the laity , clerical celibacy , the inviolability of priestly vows of chastity , the validity of private masses , and the necessity of private auricular confession .
8 One hypothesis for the similarity of the events started by TAGH and liver resection at the EGF receptor is that TAGH ( or a component thereof ) directly interacts with the EGF receptor at the hepatocyte membrane .
9 Now there 's only a couple of fields left , and one cow for the house .
10 However , to forsake one building for the benefit of another can result in the loss of both .
11 There is only one direction for the BBC 's journalism .
12 Er ours is a slightly more difficult task , I would suggest a much more difficult task , in that we 're trying to go for one certificate for the whole of the group .
13 Let's hope that UEFA remember there must never be one rule for the big boys and another for the rest .
14 You ca n't , you ca n't , you ca n't have one rule for the forward and one rule for the backward , it 's got to be the same rules for all , so you restrict the input for the forward function .
15 You ca n't , you ca n't , you ca n't have one rule for the forward and one rule for the backward , it 's got to be the same rules for all , so you restrict the input for the forward function .
16 It makes you wonder if there is some kind of conspiracy going on , with one rule for the English and another for the rest .
17 He added that the document would name only one backer for the bid — Knighton himself .
18 The bravest man of the week has to be grand prix driver Martin Donnelly … he was back in a formula one car for the first since a near fatal crash in Spain …
19 One remedy for the electronic pollution may be to reduce the power of the phones ' transmitters and instead have more of the receivers that pluck their signals from the air .
20 Roxie Farmer and Shirley Place , unlikely sisters-in-law , were under one roof for the time being .
21 He added : ‘ Our new facilities , with all departments under one roof for the first time , provide us with a launch pad to put Baricol on the European map . ’
22 The new accommodation means we are under one roof for the first time and this means communication between departments , a critical factor in my job , is improved tremendously .
23 Howard Primary School , landing at Cambridge University Observatory , found time for a ballet of the night-sky to a background of synthesizer and a resourceful battery of percussion ; and although improvisation and rhythm ( rap a firm favourite ) pushed melody to one side for the most part , Ixworth middle school beguiled the time outside Colman 's Mustard Shop in Norwich with a garland of song .
24 Quite naturally , the islanders wondered if harmonious timber wolf existence included picking off one or two tasty schoolchildren as a light snack between main meals of venison , and strangely the idea has been put to one side for the moment .
25 There were stone steps on one side for the men .
26 Leaving the question of demand to one side for the moment , there are two rather different points about this account which should be raised briefly .
27 However , I shall leave this problem to one side for the moment and concentrate instead on pursuing the general line of reductivist strategy , which remains unaffected by the choice of basic entities .
28 And er the fire was underneath this you see in a little grate and you used to open the door and stoke it up and er more often than not it was fired by slack , which was a residue of the coal out of the coal house , you know when you broke your coal up with the lumps the the little sl bits of slack they were all put on one side for the copper fire .
29 Whether any of the grudges was strong enough to justify murder was another consideration he put on one side for the time being .
30 Leaving this central issue to one side for the moment , we should add here that there are major critiques which can be made of Marxist theories , critiques on the theories ' own terms .
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