Example sentences of "one [conj] other [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The boundaries were drawn up for the Directive on a Commune by Commune basis with the vast majority of Communes being entirely allocated to one or other LFA zone .
2 If you have the possibility of both services in a kitchen , you could opt for a gas cook top and an electric oven ; or vice versa ; or a mixture of both gas and electric plates to hedge bets should anything go wrong with one or other service , or to take advantage of both sorts of energy for different cooking needs ( slow simmering ; fast boiling etc . )
3 Most discordant twins had one or other antigen , Identical twins who are discordant for diabetes start out with the same susceptibility ; it is only the action of an environmental stimulus on one twin , and its absence on the other that makes them discordant .
4 Several proprietary fertilizers , mixed and formulated specifically for roses , show a marked bias in favour of one or other element .
5 The abilities of the computer will remind some readers of the experiments in many school resource centres using , instead of the Dewey Classification and a simple card catalogue , one or other variety of post co-ordinate indexing , frequently with optical coincidence punched cards .
6 The danger is clear : that the Commission will increase its power to interfere in national economies in the name of ‘ Europe ’ while in fact serving national interests of one or other country .
7 Marx 's starting point for both analysis and strategy was a world system , not one or other country .
8 Inevitably individual urban initiatives do not always fit solely within one or other grouping : there is a degree of overlap between the classifications .
9 Count the number of items of family clothing washed each week by one or other parents .
10 Yet another way in which not having a bank account makes people more likely to fall into the non-chooser group , the automatic users of one or other type of credit , is that people without bank accounts are likely to be paid weekly , in cash .
11 To a fevered imagination , it seems no one can turn a corner in the crowded conference complex without running into a mug shot of one or other high-theoretician leering pensively from a wall of hardback dust covers .
12 The language had to be one accessible to more than the ruling elite , so it became one or other dialect of the vernacular .
13 If the county court and the High Court have concurrent jurisdiction to hear the case proceedings may be commenced in either court ( art 4 ) , except that : ( 1 ) proceedings which include a claim for damages in respect of personal injuries must be commenced in the county court , unless the value of the action ( defined below ) is £50,000 or more ( art 5(1) ) ; personal injuries are defined as " personal injuries to the plaintiff or any other person and include disease , impairment of physical or mental condition , and death " ( art 5(2) ) ; ( 2 ) applications under s 19 of the Local Government Finance Act 1982 ( applications concerning decisions of local authority auditors ) and appeals under s 20 of that Act ( appeals against such decisions ) must be commenced in the High Court ( art 6 ) ; and ( 3 ) under s 1 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 the Lord Chancellor may by order require any other categories of case to be commenced in one or other court ; to date there are no such other orders .
14 ( 5 ) Wherever , in ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) above , the order requires one or other court to consider whether it ought to try the case or whether it ought to transfer it ( pursuant to the powers of transfer under ss 40(2) , 41(1) or 42(2) of the 1984 Act ) that court must have regard to the criteria laid down in art 7(5) and set out at the start of Chapter 13 .
15 Even elementary fraternity , the demand of the French Revolution , let alone class solidarity , proved no match for loyalty to one or other State .
16 He accepted the ‘ desire to remain neutral ’ , interpreted as ‘ the reluctance of one or other state to participate in military-political blocs set up by the imperialist powers ’ as a ‘ favourable phenomenon ’ .
17 Of course , our bullets arrive at the detector one by one and each of them has traversed one or other slit .
18 What is also taking place is the formation of sexual identity , the growing allegiance to male or female gender through identification with one or other parent .
19 Less severe symptoms also contain the seeds of revenge , a need to control , a fixation on one or other parent or lack of confidence in gender identity .
20 Whenever Joanne completed a task requested by one or other parent without complaint she was rewarded from the same reward ‘ menu ’ .
21 If Keith got out of bed one or other parent would immediately return him and hold him gently but firmly until he lay quietly .
22 In general , with the exception of the inorganic soils one or other solvent will affect any soil found in food industries .
23 Usually , one or other fossil group is considered more closely related to gnathostomes than to any other agnathan , living or fossil .
24 ( About half our panel fell into one or other category of persistent reader . )
25 The criteria shared by members of the Project Coordinating Team and DCSLs for selecting schools in one or other category were as follows .
26 Some theses clearly belong in a clearly defined sub-discipline , but in other cases , distinctions are blurred , and assignment to one or other category may be arbitrary .
27 It should be noted , however , that at best the results can establish only that managers have a reason for pursuing one or other goal , and not that they actually do pursue it .
28 There were , of course , the inevitable extremists who foresaw the demise of one or other system for a variety of different and often conflicting reasons .
29 Palace courtiers often aligned themselves with one or other marriage partner and that would stir up trouble between them .
30 But you do n't walk far in Oloron without coming to one or other river ; both flow over weirs and both are well below street or house level so that there is the sound of water and a feeling of modest elevation everywhere , as well as regular riverside prospects from the various bridges as you cross from one part of town to the other .
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