Example sentences of "out by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But her account is still an anecdotal one , and has not always been borne out by empirical research .
2 As we shall see , this prediction is being borne out by current work on the visual cortex .
3 And in 1942 the first major bombings of German cities were carried out by allied air flotillas , and as the Luftwaffe lost control of the skies many Germans began to experience with dread the sort of terror-bombing which their own airforce had inflicted on numerous European cities since 1939 and which the allies were now returning with immeasurably greater force and concentration .
4 Meanwhile , the Department of Health was urging caterers to adopt total quality management systems in order to avoid being caught out by environmental health officers .
5 A minor road skirts its western base but a direct climb from it is ruled out by unremitting steepness and a barrier of rocky buttresses , the ascent usually being made over gentler ground from the north .
6 Because disposal of industrial waste is carried out by private enterprise with the sole interest of making a profit , the temptation to dodge intricate and often expensive safety precautions is evident .
7 The committee takes the view that government research projects carried out by private industry have a better chance of leading to commercial rewards in terms of new products and processes .
8 One per cent of the sample had puffed their first fag by the age of four , but the bulk of experimentation is carried out by 9–12 year olds .
9 This is a purely theoretical stance used by economists not borne out by practical experience of how systems will work .
10 These functions were previously carried out by regional water boards and local drainage authorities .
11 The number of audits carried out by each firm was taken from our database at 1992 .
12 Zooming is carried out by repeating pixel values , so that zooming by a factor of four implies that each pixel value in the memory bank or banks is repeated four times , and each line of the image is also repeated four times .
13 The result was to move towards increasing the secondary school population , especially from the poor but intelligent children kept out by existing provision .
14 Filing requirements still apply when , say , the articles are altered informally , and an agm must still be held unless the company has opted out by elective resolution .
15 We can develop in Europe only within the guidelines set out by Central Government , a Government quite clear that a joining of the attitudes and minds is desirable , not federalism .
16 These sorts of points could be brought out by oral work , or through role-play .
17 I have managed to obtain a copy of a survey carried out by final year students from Manchester Polytechnic in 1984 .
18 It looks very much as though this option was ruled out by entrenched feeling on the men 's side and inadequate appreciation of their position by the women .
19 The early skills were brought by French exiles , lured by high rates of pay or driven out by religious persecution ; labour was provided by the considerable fund of casual workers who dragged a living from squatting in the woods and heaths .
20 There are also clear indications that although the assassinations may have been carried out by low-ranking army officers the orders came from the military high command .
21 But instead , the company found itself unable to deliver the vehicles and claimed it was caught out by fluctuating exchange rates .
22 But instead of hearing their controllers , drivers on the 36 bus route could find themselves permanently tuned into Johnny Halliday , or similar Muzak , being pumped out by continental radio stations .
23 To start with you will try to note every phonetic variation but gradually your transcription will become " broader " , that is , you will realise or find out by systematic analysis that , for example , all the voiceless alveolar stops on the language are aspirated and therefore there is no need to keep writing [ th ] every time , [ t ] is enough .
24 Any assistance given was based on a survey of house prices carried out by Black Horse Relocation .
25 But you 're gon na be next if you do n't pull something out by second show Saturday yourself .
26 The live-and-let-live system could have been worked out by verbal negotiation , by conscious strategists bargaining round a table .
27 Mr Murphy 's findings are borne out by new evidence of a decline in the use of legal aid .
28 A straw poll carried out by one objector in the centre of Pontypool had shown 83 per cent against Hinkley C.
29 Obviously , to even arrive at this sort of description , it is necessary to have found out by one kind of research or another , and by the added use of imagination , a lot about the sort of customers the advertising is trying to attract .
30 Incredibly , Muckamore lost out by one run to lowly Cregagh when seemingly in command while Holywood then lost to Carrick , being bowled out for 59 .
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