Example sentences of "out to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her father had been glad to get out to the woods where he led a gang , made a living and found , in his daughter Kitty , all he wanted for softer pleasures .
2 It 's great , Frankie boy ; I 'm keeping to the fields and the woods and walking a lot and getting lifts and when I get near a town I look for a good fat juicy dog and I make friends with it and take it out to the woods and then I kill it and eat it .
3 ‘ Dad 's going to drive out to the woods and we 're going to open the cage door and let him out .
4 After breakfast , I go out to the toilet and get dressed and Marie gets dressed in the room .
5 Meredith 's warm smile made the two men respond with smiles of their own , then the waiter threaded his way out to the orchestra .
6 They have given many parties in their time , but on New Year 's Eve they have always gone out to the gatherings of others — sometimes to several gatherings in the course of the evening , and some years separately , not always meeting even for the magic chimes .
7 They caught a flier out to the port , out of Schiaparelli on the Graben Road , past the Devil 's Fingers , those soaring pinnacles of rock , vermilion and cerise .
8 A a great big thing about that length maybe and you cut the hay in great swa After that and then you see you carried it out to the sheep .
9 ‘ Why , Sarella ? ’ he grated after a battle that seemed to draw itself out to the limits .
10 ‘ Because I only found the portrait — I was only able to identify the man in her diary when I had to go out to the cottage last Saturday .
11 A distinguishing feature of spinning when put out to the cottage women and children was that it created the possibility of increasing the money earnings of the family from an occupation distinct from that of the man .
12 — ‘ in thought I see my past madness ’ ; these two cries are from the Arnaut Daniel speech ending Purgatorio XXVI , where the poet condemned to the circle of lust prays for the hearer 's consideration and looks forward to the release from the to tortures meted out to the lustful .
13 And the worst part was , everyone else seemed to understand it and strode out to the quay full of knowledgeable confidence .
14 At a point with ‘ Arc ’ I said ‘ OK , we 're off and we 're flying , this is distorted and grunged out to the max ’ .
15 Finishing the book and having to go back to take photographs specially for it left me a bit jaded , so I did n't go out to the Alps this year .
16 Rolling out , he wriggled his way across the dry sand , all churned up with trippers ' footprints , out to the firm , wet sand made smooth and level again by the tide .
17 and then it 'll be till Tuesday he 's already got some even though they got ta be sent out to the firm
18 It did not sit in the hallowed tombs of Stormont or Leinster House , but went out to the border areas , saw the problems and listened to those involved .
19 And one one day you know it 's flared up and the next day it 's dead , but they say it 's better coming out to the surface .
20 Many a rainy day would he bring dreariness to an end , as his musical talents came out to the surface .
21 Mr. Mendez sent me out to the equipment shed to start the inventory .
22 ‘ We 're ten metres above mean sea-level here , ’ he says , nodding out to the shore .
23 She looked out to the shore and thought about her dashing singer .
24 Significantly , the study draws attention to one of the causes of fairly rapid growth in these sectors , namely the transfer of jobs from the production industries as contracting out to the service industries continues .
25 The plot , such as it is , involves Billy The Kid ( Emilio Estevez — cardboard characters a speciality ) being given a pardon by the Governor , shafted by politicians , springing his old mates from the nick , and making a run for the border pursued by another old mate who 's sold out to the law .
26 The plot , such as it is , involves Billy The Kid ( Emilio Estevez — cardboard characters a speciality ) being given a pardon by the Governor , shafted by politicians , springing his old mates from the nick , and making a run for the border pursued by another old mate who 's sold out to the law .
27 We were still laughing when we took more food out to the others .
28 It 's irritating to see her there , all nervy and squeaky , in her clothes for motoring out to the country in ; but oddly touching and pleasing that she should have come .
29 Howard smiles , and frowns , and thinks about it seriously as they all have tea in the orchard , and Miriam , in her dark glasses and clothes for motoring out to the country in , smokes furiously to keep away the insects , and chatters on about what happened when they went to dinner with the Chases the previous week , and Michael Wayland forgot Prue 's name .
30 Between 5,000 and 10,000 people turned out to the council display at Walton and 15,000 to 16,000 were reported at Sefton Park .
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