Example sentences of "out of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With techno enjoying a second coming in Leeds and banging out of every other shop in the renovated arcades on Saturdays , some people were getting home after a day 's shopping and fancying something a bit different .
2 The hon. Gentleman is in no position to talk about opt-outs , considering that his party has opted out of every necessary decision to assist this country in the past 10 years and has backed every inflationary wage claim , every piece of trade union militancy and every policy that would do damage to Britain and its future .
3 And the artist took a bite out of every single one .
4 Nowhere is the siren song of conservation more difficult to resist than when it combines a sentimental appeal to make a restoration project out of every down-at-heel relic , with the coded suggestion that it might even be a retail money-spinner in its own right if properly marketed by a curator and a press officer with a gift shop and a T-shirt designer on hand .
5 ‘ That 's the thanks I get for takin' ye out of a bloody hovel and givin' ye a proper place to live .
6 Take out of a typical day the classes you must attend , the time spent travelling , the hours you sleep , the eating , shopping , meeting friends , relaxing , watching television , listening to music and all the other activities of a busy day , and there is not much time left for study .
7 A very strong leading ‘ rogue ’ character played with great guile by Clive Owen emerged out of a solid plot supported by the matchless acting skills of Leslie Phillips .
8 to reproduce as a white image out of a solid background .
9 Although stimulation of an individual country may not work , joint reflation of the OECD economies may help to get out of a world-wide recession .
10 I am in favour of PR , out of a simple democratic belief in representing the wishes of the population as fairly as possible .
11 Mankind seeks status even more avidly than wealth , and more self-corruptingly ; and intellectual affectation can be a darker sin than whatever vulgarities arise out of a simple greed for gain .
12 Similarly , your employer , whether out of a genuine spirit of goodwill , a hard-headed assessment of the damage that a court case might do or a combination of the two , may decide that the best course is to seek an amicable parting of the ways .
13 The function of the leave requirement is not spelled out in Order 53 , but it is designed to weed out cases which have no real chance of success or which might be called ‘ frivolous ’ or ‘ vexatious ’ in the sense of being brought not out of a genuine interest in the outcome but for some ulterior motive such as to make things difficult for a government agency .
14 the monarchy are non political and therefore , when they choose to speak it 's usually out of a genuine concern for that problem , it 's not for popularity or personal gain because they are there already and , I think that is quite important when po politicians tend to do good it 's usually to get votes .
15 Most of the parents , however , had come intending to talk about their boys , either out of a genuine or an assumed interest in them ; and few of them were prepared to waste time on Onyx when there were real teachers on whom to vent their parental concern .
16 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
17 Lambs by the Est-a-Laine Merino out of a Hardy Speckledfaced ewe .
18 It had come from nowhere , out of a long silence , like something fired from a gun .
19 I was born in May 1947 , when the whole of Britain was thawing out of a long , freezing winter made crueller by a fuel crisis .
20 Many students of engineering and other professional or semi-professional fields were in the past part-time not full-time , and sandwich courses have grown out of a long tradition of first night-school , then day release and then block release — a pattern associated in the post-war period mainly with the non-university sector .
21 For it was born out of a long histtory of protest .
22 They are structured in such a way that while we feel our way visually into the space suggested by the subject our eyes are simultaneously being run up the picture by short thrusts in and out of a limited pictorial depth .
23 But it is my way of getting out of a sticky situation .
24 Initially , it promised repayment out of a future parliamentary grant , but most lenders , possibly all , were still waiting to be repaid in 1529 , when Parliament absolved the King from all obligation to redeem this debt .
25 A YOUNG couple scrambled out of a blazing car 's hatchback as their two friends died in the front seats .
26 It will include dual-launch floating point units and be made out of a four-level metal process .
27 There are many layers of hurt to peel off before they can see their parent as a human being seeking a way out of a private torment .
28 It was made by Noel Alms , of Whitley , near Warrington , who said he made it ‘ out of a warped sense of humour ’ .
29 The order allowed a deposit protection scheme to come into operation in the UK , under which depositors ( numbering some 53,000 in the UK out of a global total of around 1,200,000 ) could claim 75 per cent of their deposits up to a maximum of £15,000 .
30 The gifts of the Spirit come out of a living relationship with the Father .
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