Example sentences of "people that [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , but were you the sort of people that walk into hospitals and start praying for the sick to be healed .
2 He he come right in the farm back to the farm you 'd be surprised the people that walk in my house , do n't they daddy ?
3 People that go to Comdex do n't rate Unix , the twice-yearly technology poll conducted by Byte magazine among attendees seems to suggest — and IBM Corp still has an uphill fight to win over the hearts and minds that are presently in the Microsoft Corp camp .
4 Think of people that go to these dangerous sports clubs , what happens to them ?
5 It 's very wide the all the people or most of the people that go to these things are either all players already themselves
6 I think the only people , right , the only people that go to church is the religious people or ones that have something to feel shameful about .
7 But there are people that go into prisons , are n't there , to help them , I mean , there are councillors , and er , and people going into to give them interest in life , I mean , goes into teaching erm , er , Park Parkway , does n't he .
8 Which is what most people that go in there
9 I 'm mean they 've got export people that know about that , and E C people one of those things .
10 I mean it comes as no surprise to me er because of the lack of Health and Safety provision inside the work places and people that remain in work , erm being subjected to longer working hours er inside the industry .
11 Well that 's what they say if there 's , even people that come over here for a holiday for three months have to pay it do n't they ?
12 ‘ You 're much more likely to hear John Peel play one of our records than Kiss FM , ’ admits Mercury , ‘ and the people that come to our gigs are more your typical rock fans .
13 the kind of people that come to my surgery are genuinely and almost entirely women who are struggling to keep their children
14 Erm I have to say that most of the people that come to us have never been involved in advertising .
15 It causes problems to people that come to the house .
16 There 's only you know people that come like and that that I have never said no to .
17 No but I mean there are people that come in here and just living here .
18 peoples of other land , look all the people that come from
19 Then within the team 's , in the Policy Team there were three Policy Development Officer 's , in the Neighbourhood Development Team there were two Development Officer 's and in the Community Development Team there are one , two , there are well there are normally six officer 's that you could I that you could identify , but there are other people that relate to them , but then it gets a bit complicated so were keep it at that .
20 And the people that write for the Sun know that the readers of the Sun will read that if they have a headline like that .
21 And these are n't the sort of people that write to us using block capitals all the way through , these are reasonable people who 've had their property damaged over the years some quite horrendous tales and talk about walls being knocked down .
22 I said , people that knock at the door and say , the taxi 's ready the taxi man does n't come and do it .
23 So the point about the royals , erm , getting involved with these things is there 's always gon na be people that disagree with what they 're lobbying for .
24 Let me give you some examples of A type behaviour which you might recognise in yourself or in other people that work with you .
25 Referrals er he was adamant it was two hundred pounds he was gon na get so there was an opportunity for referrals at the end from , from people that work with him .
26 Now I 'm sure you can relate this to people that work with you , or the situation that you yourself have come across , how would you go about , first of all with Barbara , how you can improve the situation ?
27 Ask them about the benefits of a Northern Ireland location and they will highlight the quality of the people that work for them .
28 Remember I said you 've got to have these sort of safe , situations with the people that work for you .
29 I do n't think the people that work in , in customs are very bright , I think they also steal things cos we 've had things go missing have n't we ?
30 If if everybody spoke about , the communication was better then it 'd be a lot easier for people that deal with it .
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