Example sentences of "first [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Our study is based on 6528 men and women first registered between 1 January 1972 and 31 December 1990 , providing 54355 patient years of follow up .
2 Concern about the link between power lines and cancer first arose in 1979 .
3 When the lover 's list was first calculated in 1973 it cost just Pounds 2,818.60 .
4 On Nov. 15 the PNC candidates for seats on municipal councils were declared elected unopposed after a boycott of the elections by the five-party opposition Patriotic Coalition for Democracy ( PCD , which included the PPP , first formed in 1986 — see p. 34163 ) which had demanded electoral reform .
5 A peace agreement was signed in Addis Ababa ( Ethiopia ) on July 12 between the Ugandan government , represented by Ateke Ejalu , Minister of State for Special Duties , and the Uganda People 's Democratic Movement ( UDPM ) , first formed in 1986 [ see p. 35493 ] and chaired by Eric Otema Alimadi ( Prime Minister until 1985 under the Milton Obote regime ) .
6 The Baltic Council ( comprising Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania , first formed in 1934 and revived in May 1990 — see p. 37462 ) sought to develop economic ties with the Nordic Council ( founded in the early 1950s and comprising Denmark , Finland , Iceland , Norway and Sweden ) .
7 The Prudential was first formed in 1848 and has grown to become one of the largest financial services groups in the world .
8 The report argued that , in secondary modern schools , the top third of pupils were capable of taking and benefiting from external exams below GCE level [ the future CSE , first examined in 1965 ] , but that the majority of pupils there should be spared them .
9 Gallup first asked in 1964 and then in all its 1992 surveys : ‘ With Britain in economic difficulties , which party do you think could handle the problem best — Conservatives or Labour ?
10 These were the earliest known fatalities from AIDS , which was first recognized in 1981 .
11 This was first recognized in 1930 by Staudinger , who found that an empirical relation existed between the relative magnitude of the increase in viscosity and the molar mass of the polymer .
12 One of the favourite stories in Baxter 's bewildering repertoire of personal anecdotes tells of his friendship with the great Hungarian player Ferenc Puskas , who he first met in 1963 when Baxter was chosen to represent a World Select against England .
13 It first met in 1893 under the leadership of T. C. M. Asser , a notable Dutch scholar , though it was the work of the Italian Mancini which first promoted the idea of such a meeting .
14 He anticipated some of the enthusiasms of John Cage , whom he first met in 1941 .
15 The idea for such an ambitious ( but surprisingly nightmare-free ) project was first mooted in 1989 when Professor Dai came to Norwich to attend a post-graduate degree course in tourism .
16 However , the two seats reserved for Unionist MPs were not taken up because of Unionist opposition to the 1985 Agreement ( provision for the existence of the Body , first mooted in 1980 , having been made in the Agreement ) ; Molyneaux dismissed the meeting as a " social occasion " .
17 On March 14 , 1990 , the government announced that it would proceed with a controversial proposal first mooted in 1984 for an elected executive presidency [ ibid . ] .
18 The scheme was first mooted in 1946 , but subsequently delayed because of disputes between the three states which share the Narmada river 's resources — Gujarat , Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh .
19 When incitement to racial hatred was first criminalised in 1965 , the legislation made it a requirement that an intention to incite racial hatred be proved .
20 ITP was first diagnosed in 1986 .
21 What sporting challenge first conquered in 1875 has been attempted by four thousand two hundred people and achieved by just 423 ?
22 First flown in 1935 , this most widely used ten-seat Canadian bushplane was flown by the RCMP , RCAF , USAAF and USN as well as civilian operators .
23 Forger was first flown in 1971 and production began in 1975 , the type becoming the world 's second operational jet V/STOL fighter ( after the Harrier ) when deployed aboard the Soviet carrier Kiev the following year .
24 This was first flown in 1979 , but Bill found himself hanging upside down when the brakes seized on landing , and was reluctant to repeat this so it is now owned by Disney Industries , featuring in a recent film The Rocketeer .
25 Post-war the variety of designs continued with the Yak–12 high-wing utility monoplane which was first flown in 1947 and appeared in several variants , culminating in the Yak–12A of 1957 , over 1,000 of which were built .
26 However even though it is a neural network however , erm you can see it is a pack recognition technique and in fact it was first developed in nineteen fifty nine as the N tuple method er by some chap Browning erm I think cos I 've never heard of Browning since that paper .
27 The carving machine was first developed in 1845 by T. Jordan .
28 The carronade , a short-barrelled large-calibre gun with a low muzzle velocity , easily handled and very effective at close quarters , was first developed in 1774 and by the end of the American War was mounted on several hundred British men-of-war of all sizes .
29 It was they who formed the trade unions when they were first legalized in 1906 .
30 The course content was broadly along the lines first recommended in 1981 by the Working Party on Minority Community Languages in School , set up at the Second Assembly of the National Congress on Languages in Education : the fourth volume of NCLE Papers and Reports available from the Centre for Information on Language Teaching and research ( 1984 ) reproduces the proposal in full .
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