Example sentences of "also have [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 There are up to 360 incinerators working abroad and Britain also has a few systems .
2 Sue also has a few of her own knitting machines on the premises and makes garments to order as well as to sell to the tourists !
3 ‘ Like the sonata , the concerto also has the same seriousness of purpose and it is very definitely large-scale in its emotional and musical content , in spite of being set in just one single movement . ’
4 Here , in the work of Picasso , the device of fusing or merging the subject with its surroundings allows the painter to insist on the surface unity of the picture but also has the same effect of allowing the spectator to reconstruct form beyond the boundaries stated .
5 Similarly , since FALSE=0 , the following example will also have the same effect , but its meaning is less clear .
6 I also had a few problems trying to create a link between a table in a document and the spreadsheet the data came from .
7 One of them , Neil , could — like his father — turn his hand to anything , and also had the same sense of humour , which nothing could quench .
8 Unfortunately , they also had the same lack of humour , but Bruce and Tina had many occasions to be glad of their proximity .
9 One called John lived at Cheddington , owning land worth £1 with goods of £20 , another at Linslade , assessed at £2. 6s. 8d. and £6. 13s. 4d. respectively ; either could have been the owner of £1. 6s. 8d. in land at Soulbury , where William Turney also had the same income from land , together with £5 in moveables .
10 He also had the same stock-in-trade qualities that were clearly visible in Len Cheshire , Willie Tait , Jimmy Marks , Pat Daniels and the youthful Fraser Barron to name but a handful .
11 We also have a few little phrases in the UN 's so-called Global Plan of Action for Marine Mammals which give us a small hook on which to hang international actions for the benefits of both whales and seals .
12 I also have a few old postcards if these are of any use . ’
13 I also have a few big posters advertising the event .
14 Close hand press-ups also have the same effect .
15 It may be observed that the new space-times also have the same Killing vector as the seed solution .
16 The legends are printed in conventional type , but the labels also have the same message printed in binary code , like the bar-code price-tag on supermarket goods .
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