Example sentences of "also a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 There is also a case to be made for the Government to spend more money on overseas aid .
2 In addition they must also accept that they have within them emotions and feelings which , properly nurtured and utilised can provide , not only compensation for the surrender of unlimited sensual pleasure , but also a road to unlimited human happiness , a road which would be blocked if the choice were the first proposition .
3 In addition they must also accept that they have within them emotions and feelings which , properly nurtured and utilised can provide , not only compensation for the surrender of unlimited sensual pleasure , but also a road to unlimited human happiness , a road which would be blocked if the choice were the first proposition .
4 Perhaps it was also a tribute to her good looks ( if Ivy were really being naughty ) : Elizabeth need not have feared to face it .
5 It is also a tribute to the ability of the many students who have already gained research degrees from the polytechnic . ’
6 In the 19th century the hunt is mentioned in Upper Halling and there is also a reference to the West Kent Hunt going over Holly Hill via Birling .
7 Five months earlier , on a bridge only a few miles away , Julie Dart 's killer had also left a stencilled message and used the phrase ‘ 2 mins allowed ’ and also a reference to a detector at the drop-off point .
8 and then you start of cou then you say right erm er let's keep hold of this information so these are retained and there 's also a benefit to the estate agent , and there 's the G A one which of course is er by coincidence is the Aberdeen one but of course we er you know we have them all around the country .
9 Its fearsome appearance strikes terror into the hearts of the Elves ' enemies , but it is also a memorial to the countless Elf warriors who have died defending it .
10 This article is also a contribution to that process of critical revision , and therefore inevitably involves an element of self-reflection , focusing on some of the ideas and approaches which I have used in my own antiracist work over the years .
11 It should not be forgotten , moreover , that Jacobite gentlemen had non-Jacobite relatives , and a favour to the kinsman in difficulties with the law was also a favour to lairds who might have good reason to expect the politician 's help .
12 WordPerfect is also a subscriber to the competitive upgrade system — see the box — and will often be found offering what is normally high priced kit at a rock bottom price to persuade you to move to their products .
13 You need also a course to be provident for the future in terms of ensuring that you will be able to continue to discharge your responsibilities in years to come .
14 For a time the 1,600 seater hall was also a home to a Saturday night film show , where the features were watched on a CinemaScope screen .
15 The film gives peace of mind to the potentially vulnerable , such as the elderly , and to the parents of young children , and it is also a deterrent to the intending intruder .
16 Portable operating systems , such as Unix , are also a threat to IBM and other companies which once prospered on proprietary ones , such as Wang and Data General .
17 Both types are voracious carnivores , preying on fish and other crustaceans , but Odontodactylus , which can grow to six inches ( fifteen centimetres ) in length , is also a threat to the very fabric of the aquarium .
18 Community policing is a preventive rather than a crime control made of policing and in the United Kingdom it has become associated in the popular image particularly with those inner-city areas where crime rates have risen sharply and where police relations with ethnic minorities have deteriorated , although it is also a response to the police 's loss of contact with other sections of the community , especially young people ( Schaffer 1980 ) .
19 The School 's Council Working Paper 70 The Practical Curriculum was also a response to the 1980 document .
20 They were also a response to demands for a form of participation .
21 It is here that your reviewer must admit his personal friendship with author Jim Hooper ( who is also a contributor to ‘ MI ’ Nos. 22 , 24 & 31 — Ed .
22 But also a God to be praised .
23 This is potentially very strong language but it is also a plea to God to remove her from her misery .
24 Quickly she gave him a tip , also a message to be delivered to William Ash , warning him that she 'd be in contact with him as soon as she knew where Ace planned to base himself .
25 The United States Congress requested officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) to attend an emergency hearing on June 29 to explain the failure of the Hubble Space Telescope and also a decision to ground all space shuttle craft .
26 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds conservation officer for Lothian and Borders , Peter Gordon , said : ‘ The wanton killing of this beautiful bird is sickening in itself and also a setback to the peregrine 's attempts to recolonise this part of Scotland . ’
27 It is also a warning to all hack Tories who think that it is a telling blow against Kinnock to keep on pointing out that he has reversed his opinions about unilateral nuclear disarmament , British membership of the EC , or anything else .
28 The popularity of Byron was also a warning to Crawford , who saw the danger of becoming typecast .
29 The language used by the president was also a shock to many , and the transcripts of the tapes were punctuated with the phrase " expletive deleted " .
30 Not only is it a move into a realm where the distinction between life and death seems , as in ‘ The Hollow Men ’ , to have broken down , it is also a crossing to the world of the ‘ cannibal isle ’ which is revealed as only another version of the life left behind , and where the realization that ‘ Life is very long ’ is not escaped from , but reinforced .
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