Example sentences of "also for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Habitually a somewhat forgetful person , I had also for a couple of days been trying to remember the name of the director of the film Such Good Friends .
2 The one search will serve if you act also for a mortgagee , in which case name the mortgagee rather than the buyer , because the priority given to the mortgagee extends to the buyer , but not vice versa .
3 The specific reason for the arrival of 252 Squadron was to provide long-range protection for a fast merchant vessel — the S.S. ‘ Parracombe ’ — on its way from Gibraltar , unescorted , carrying 21 crated Hurricanes and much needed cargo for the island , and also for a convoy of five fast freighters for Alexandria ( ‘ Tiger ’ convoy ) due to pass the island several days hence .
4 By January 1856 he was asking not only for the relaxation of censorship but also for a constitution , various political amnesties , the gradual emancipation of the serfs , non-interference in the domestic affairs of European nations and assistance for national-liberation movements .
5 At youth level we have also for a number of years sponsored the Scottish Schools National Swimming Championships and the Scottish Schools Badminton Union Competitions .
6 Like some of its west-European counterparts it had responsibility also for a number of domestic or quasi-domestic concerns such as relations with the Don Cossacks and with foreign merchants in Russia .
7 Most people who made the pilgrimage found it well worth their while , not only for the quality of the music-making but also for a quality of staging and design that pointedly bypassed the often musically ruinous fads of post-war directors ' opera in order to re-establish contact with an older and still valid tradition that goes back , with a passing glance at the work of Wieland Wagner , through Gründgens and Reinhardt to Roller and Mahler and , in some respects , Wagner himself .
8 Cardiff City have signed Leigh Barnard , the Swindon midfield player , for £25,000 , while Bury have borrowed Gary Kelly , the Newcastle goalkeeper , also for a month .
9 If it is accepted , as I believe it should be accepted , that certiorari goes not only for such an excess or abuse of power but also for a breach of the rules of natural justice there is even less reason in principle for excluding other established grounds .
10 Corbett should apply for the purpose not only of marriage but also for a charge under s. 30 of the Sexual Offences Act 1956 .
11 Indeed , some sorts of pollution may also for a time evade detection in the laboratory .
12 The NHS relies on cross-subsidisation , not just between high-risk and low-risk groups but also for every individual between their low-risk years ( young and middle aged ) and high-risk years ( old age ) .
13 This has political implications for democracy and accountable government within the EC , but also for the stability of world trade , since the Community 's dirigiste thinking threatens to prevent agreement on liberalising trade in the GATT talks .
14 To allow sufficient time in the post for training in investigation techniques and the all-important legal aspects and also for the accumulation of a broad experience at this fairly unusual job , it is desirable to recruit inspectors at a reasonably early period in their career , especially if they are ultimately to rise to supervisory or management positions in the organisation .
15 His counterpart in ‘ Pride and Prejudice ’ — George Wickham — stands also for the rejection of society 's standards , but he turns out to be a rake and a liar — a totally unsuitable match for any of the Longbourne girls .
16 It rests also on the insight that income " transferred " by this means was not used only for the minimum relief of destitution , for the old , widowed , orphaned and infirm , but also for the purchase of some " decencies " , for the supplementation of the earnings of the underemployed as well as the relief of the involuntarily unemployed , and for the apprenticing of the children of the poor .
17 It contains sound practical advice not only for computer programmers , but also for the users of their products , and for educators in secondary school and universities .
18 Again the evidence is sadly lacking , not only for the centres but also for the estates themselves .
19 It called also for the promotion of closer ties with the European Communities ( EC ) , and for a complete restructuring of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) and the Latin American Integration Association ( ALADI ) , both of which were seen as ineffective .
20 The production of materials has to be timetabled with care both because of the work load of the print and design team and also for the promotion and marketing of them .
21 The plaintiff wrote for such advice and also for the name of a ‘ good stockbroker . ’
22 The artist as subject is involved as authority for the authenticity of the subject as sitter and hence also for the legitimacy of the object as portrait .
23 Very big , and also for the West Germans , because they 've got to absorb these sixteen million or so new er citizens and they 've got to pay for them until they pay for themselves , and meanwhile they 've got to carry various international costs , especially payments to Russia for the Russian troops who are going to stay on for three or four years , and pay for them to withdraw and pay to build barracks for them in , in Russia so that they can withdraw .
24 ‘ It was , of course , 44 hard-working days , not only for the army , but also for the transmigrants who got involved , ’ Soeriaatmadja later told me .
25 Epicurus introduced the famous ‘ swerve ’ into the chain of strict causality , so as to account both for human free will and also for the existence of random motion in the universe ; for otherwise all bodies would , in his opinion , fall with the same speed downwards .
26 Not only for the staff restaurant , but also for the boardroom and guests .
27 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
28 I truly believe that each of us had held on in there not only for ourselves , but also for the women we are destined never to meet in person , but with whom we share our motivation to create a world where our creativity is valued .
29 And the 66-year-old London financier had harsh words also for the MCC hierarchy who are complaining about the £17,000 cost of organising the special general meeting , pushed through by Tuesday 's 108-3 vote at Lord 's .
30 I thank him also for the history lesson on the Territorial Army , although my recollection is somewhat different .
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