Example sentences of "also provide [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The firm also provided jobs for generations of Liverpudlians .
2 He also provided lyrics for a musical ( Whitaker was an accomplished pianist ) and even wrote comedy links for several variety shows .
3 The guidelines issued to the National Heritage Memorial Fund allowed it to give grants , not only for the purchase of outstanding buildings , land and works of artistic and historic interest , but also to provide endowments for major houses threatened with sale .
4 Today , the pilgrimage still takes place , now by air or car for many and , for the 1965 pilgrimage year , the Spanish government made strenuous and successful efforts to restore and clean these famous churches ( and also provide hotels for tourists ) on this traditional route .
5 The manager said : ‘ We also provide meals for visiting ports teams and lay on functions for the board of governors .
6 The business schools also provide recruits for domestic industry , and in many Third World countries the government gives young graduates from such institutions posts with high degrees of responsibility in national development agencies where they can make substantial contributions to the welfare of their nations .
7 ( The latter association , along with the other two major local authority associations — the Association of Metropolitan Associations and the Association of County Councils — and professional bodies such as SOLACE ( Society of Local Authority Chief Executives ) also provide opportunities for liaison at national level . )
8 Good ‘ Rights of Way ’ do exist and the Public Parks of Hillend and Bonaly also provide opportunities for informal outdoor recreation .
9 Its permanent collection of fine Victorian paintings often sits cheek by jowl with a varied selection of current art and craft practices some of which also provide opportunities for visitors to participate in .
10 The worksheets should also provide pointers for further study and information about relevant research .
11 The proximity to these residential areas also provides a good workforce for the development and the construction work would also provide jobs for local residents .
12 While this may be seen primarily as a defensive kind of action , involving much routine work by civil servants who are required to produce the information needed for parliamentary answers , it may also provide opportunities for publicizing new policy initiatives .
13 Overseas , Wimpey Construction Management is carrying out fee-based technical and management services for the £200 million Colombo Centre project for Sonae Group in Lisbon , Portugal and will vigorously attempt to develop further this market in 1993 , a market which will also provide opportunities for the consultancy arm of GROVE PROJECTS .
14 They will also provide mechanisms for supporting and counselling those students who are at risk of failing to reach Compact goals .
15 British Rema will also provide spares for materials processing equipment .
16 The National Lottery will also provide funds for the preservation of our heritage .
17 With this new selective breeding analogy , domestic races , as adaptations , are also providing analogies for the formation of wild species as ancient and perfectly adapted races .
18 There are the resort hotels , which are seasonal and cater for holidaymakers , though many of these are now also providing facilities for large conferences and trade fairs , which gives them an additional form of income .
19 These involved more people at a local and regional level in educational issues and also provided forums for discussion .
20 Scottish University championships and other national competitions have also provided trophies for club members to display proudly .
21 The taxpayer sometimes also provided facilities for the duplication of films onto video cassettes and for dubbing , which was carried out in Hong Kong , and the cost was usually included in the sub-licence fee .
22 On the Sunday I met my parents and , courtesy of Jack , handed over sponsor 's tickets which allowed them into any part of the course and the clubhouse and also provided tickets for lunch .
23 Ms Khudiakova also provides sketches for Dom Modi , the state fashion house which mass produces clothes .
24 The strand also provides opportunities for the study of film as a significant element of 20th-century culture .
25 It also provides opportunities for pupils to develop vital skills and learning strategies that can be applied across the school curriculum .
26 Customer care also provides opportunities for business development .
27 The Act not only imposes criminal sanctions for contraventions of its various provisions but also provides remedies for investors who enter into share transactions as a result of the contraventions .
28 The bill also provides safeguards for quality programming .
29 The Sports Council also provides speakers for pre-retirement courses in addition to its funding of local initiatives , so if you 'd like to start a sports project in your area , ask them for help ( address on page 156 ) .
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