Example sentences of "also give the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the many years it was to remain at Scampton R5868 was maintained and also given the occasional coat of paint .
2 I have also given the first-magnitude stars in each constellation .
3 On this amp , Ch.1 is the lead channel and the standard volume , treble , middle , bass and master volume controls are also given the secondary tasks of channel select , gain 1 , gain 2 and a notch shift .
4 They have also given the lesser players their chance to see if pro golf is for them .
5 The holder is also given the same possessory and control rights as a holder of a paper based bill , including the rights to claim delivery of the goods , to nominate the consignee or substitute a nominated consignee , to transfer the right of control and transfer and to instruct the carrier with respect to the delivery of the goods .
6 This close association of religion and politics has also given the organizational vehicle for the politics — the DUP — an unusual character which I now wish to explore by examining the tensions caused by the presence in a political agenda of religious attitudes .
7 The package would also give the central bank increased independence in monetary policy , and Albanians would be allowed to open hard-currency bank accounts and to receive remittances from abroad .
8 It is very effective in quiet passages where the beauty of melody and harmony are undisturbed by counterpoint , as in Example 63 , from Messiaen 's O Sacrum convivium : The effect here is tranquil and smooth , yet homophony may also give the best texture for decisive , dynamic expressions .
9 It would also give the anti-nuclear group some propaganda to use against us . ’
10 That will give the landlord a degree of confidence about his ability to regain his property when he wants it ; it will also give the homeless family a degree of confidence about the quality of their landlord .
11 Another possibility is the presence of amphibolite rocks with an intermediate to basic composition since this would also give the seismic wave velocities recorded at this depth .
12 They also give the firm impression of responding to virtually any request for additional funding for further agricultural supports put to them , without assessing the impact of what could be involved .
13 They do this because they are not as quick as the opposition and want to give themselves as much time as possible to play the ball , no matter that they also give the other player more time .
14 They also give the Soviet Union an incentive to negotiate meaningfully on arms reduction .
15 Marking the error with a symbol like sp or s without also giving the correct version of the word , is unproductive , because it merely demonstrates to the pupil that he has " failed " , without showing him how to improve .
16 Table 8.6 also gives the dirty prices of the eligible bonds on 1 April .
17 It also gives the new caretaker a chance to settle to his tasks without the added problem of learning switchboard .
18 It also gives the outside temperature , which in our case rarely exceeded zero .
19 It also gives the smaller nations like Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe a crack at all the big boys .
20 This takes note of the widespread area staff wish for the larger piece of time in a Region ( but also gives the shorter period too ) : it reduces a lot of sorting out of requests by the Overseas Groups and simplifies for them a pretty complicated and demanding piece of work : it means we do n't expect visitors to fly from one end of the UK & Ireland every 2 or 3 days as has sometimes happened in trying to meet a lot of requests .
21 This also gave the general public for the first time some information , though in a summary and superficial way , about the men who carried out their country 's foreign policy .
22 Ironically , many also gave the lower crime rate in their adopted homeland as one of their reasons for leaving Britain .
23 Hiltons also gave the lower recreation ground to the parish in exchange for land elsewhere .
24 It was not only a neat way to ‘ finish ’ the interior but also gave the dressed corpse the appearance of being in a bed .
25 Castilian admirals also gave the French advice on re-establishing their own navy in the Clos de Gallées at Rouen , and the combined power of the French and Castilian navies presented a formidable threat to England in the 1370s .
26 Mr Lamont also gave the green light for the Jubilee Line extension in London , but work will not start until a banking consortium has been set up to provide £400 million of private-sector money for the Pounds 1.8 billion project .
27 Nato as finally established also gave the British less influence than Bevin had hoped .
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