Example sentences of "these were [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1946 these were renamed the MVD and MGB and later changed yet again to their present titles of the Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti ( KGB ) , and the Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upravleniye ( GRU ) .
2 Most of these were accorded the right to establish elected " national local administrations " for self-government , or to join with neighbouring nationalities to do this .
3 During his rapid exit from the balloon carriage Sadler had lost both his signal flags , but these were found the next day in a field near Burton Pedwardine by Mr Edward Robinson , together with Sadler 's hat , cushion and , understandably , his broken thermometer !
4 Barn owls used to breed in the hay bales but when these were shifted the birds objected and moved off to the nearby quarry .
5 Labour activists were rooted in particular localities and political traditions , and these were to provide the basis for labourist hegemony in the formal political arena of West Ham throughout the interwar period .
6 There were the usual arguments about freedom of choice and to these were added the less usual one about equity , allowing local authority tenants to share in the economic benefits of owner-occupation .
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