Example sentences of "also [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Lloyds was also badly hit by the fall in interest rates , which slashed the so-called ‘ endowment effect ’ from non-interest bearing accounts .
2 As was the case with the West Coast main line , the Great Western sub-sector was also badly affected by recession , but the decline at the start of the decade was matched by a spectacular recovery which started from the second half of the 1980s .
3 The possibility of breaking up British Gas into competing units was also successfully opposed by Sir Denis , who argued that it was impossible to achieve competition in a natural monopoly .
4 But Eisenhower was also powerfully influenced by international considerations .
5 These were also powerfully promoted by domestic service at a time when even the meanest clerk expected to employ at least a resident maid-of-all-work .
6 Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the subject , and because our archaeology students have acquired considerable experience in working with field research teams , graduates are to be found working in archaeological posts but are also keenly appreciated by employers in a very wide variety of jobs in business , industry and the public service .
7 The distribution of power in the legislature was also fundamentally altered by the dilution of the seniority principle in the early 1970s .
8 He was also bitterly denounced by former colleagues for having betrayed King 's memory by detailing instances of his colleague 's adultery , including incidents which were alleged to have occurred during the last night of King 's life .
9 But even though his book was intended for contemplatives , it was also widely read by lay men and women .
10 This step ladder is Kite marked , and has a Class 2 duty rating , which makes it suitable for all household needs ; it is also widely used by professional tradesmen .
11 It is also much enhanced by the middle projection of columned porch and bell tower , probably added in about 1840 .
12 Like Gogarten — another systematic theologian — he was German and Lutheran ; and he was also much influenced by the Existentialism of Martin Heidegger ( 1889 — 1976 ) .
13 They are also much appreciated by members but tend to run the risk of segregating members from the activities of the normal community .
14 Preferably by retaining the two-thirds majority , but at least ensuring as my Noble Friend Lord has suggested , a clear majority and I myself will go on reiterating the principle , enunciated by Professor in the er and also much commended by some elements in the Conservative Party and he said you can not have real effective democracy without real effective local self government , and he said that in the light of his experiences in pre-war Germany .
15 ‘ There were nightingales , ’ says Robert Hardy , who was also so infected by the prevailing Welshness that his own Archbishop Scrope had a coal valley lilt , ‘ there was laughter . ’
16 Atmospheric circulation ( and , in turn , precipitation and temperature ) is also greatly affected by the balance of thermal energy at the land surface , itself affected by the vegetation and terrain characteristics .
17 He was also greatly assisted by the co-operation of both the Shipbuilders Association of Japan and by the Japan Shipowners Association .
18 Memorisation of material is also greatly helped by such a system .
19 The Hyades , extending from the bright orange star Aldebaran in Taurus ( the Bull ) cover a much wider area than the Pleiades , and are also somewhat overpowered by Aldebaran , which does not actually belong to the cluster at all , but merely happens to lie about midway between the Hyades and ourselves .
20 Although sympathetic to this heresy I found myself intoxicated but also somewhat inhibited by de Santillana 's impressionistic style .
21 In the nineteenth century incorporation of utility and railway companies was also generally accompanied by other inducements and special powers deemed necessary for the success of the undertaking , such as rights of compulsory acquisition of land .
22 Aspects of the project were also generally discussed by existing teams such as subject departments or head of department meetings .
23 Crayfish populations are also critically depleted by overfishing , though naturally occurring environmental factors — such as warm water intrusions and low oxygen concentrations in the water as a result of global climactic changes — are thought to play a part .
24 It has had over the years to be much restored , having been damaged three times by earthquakes and also outrageously neglected by the community of monks , who seem to have had an unnatural taste for litigation — one lawsuit between them and the locality lasted almost throughout the eighteenth century .
25 Aroma preference is also largely influenced by our body odour .
26 The truckers ' strike during July and August 1973 was also largely motivated by controls — the shortages of spare parts for their trucks , official discrimination against them in favour of state-run firms , and the fact that the charges which they could make were fixed by the government but not adjusted to take into account the rapid rate of inflation .
27 The redistribution effects of creating the SEM are also largely ignored by the Cecchini Report .
28 The sees of the region were also largely occupied by men of noble birth , and papal provision during the early Avignonese period worked in their favour .
29 In rather slow , direct flight , with legs trailing behind , also easily recognised by two white and one black bars on wing .
30 The notion that the video alone is the problem is not only simplistic , but also not supported by the facts of this case .
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