Example sentences of "only in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Frequently women voters said that they liked Mr Ashdown , but only in preference to Messrs Major and Kinnock , who were characterised by the words ‘ creepy ’ and ‘ characterless ’ by several of them .
2 The pains themselves , since he is aware of them only in order to be assured of his sovereignty , remain on the boundaries of an awareness always centred on his own reactions to them .
3 This accumulation of nonsense is expressed in dreams which are created only in order to be forgotten .
4 The tax 's defenders point out that only between a third and a half of church members pay the levy , and then only in proportion to their incomes .
5 The intention was that the mechanical properties would be thereby improved ; they were , but generally only in proportion to the increase in density , at the same time much of the toughness of wood was lost .
6 Despite the interest of some well-known industrialists , manufacturers as a group seem to have contributed only in proportion to their weight in the population .
7 A second opinion was sought and , short-sightedly , my parents agreed to put me in those gorgeous National Health jobs which are now sported by your average Yuppie but which made you look second only in berkishness to the kid in the owl specs with Elastoplast all over one lens .
8 A second opinion was sought and , short-sightedly , my parents agreed to put me in those gorgeous National Health jobs which are now sported by your average Yuppie but which then made you look second only in berkishness to the kid in the owl specs with elastoplast all over one lens .
9 Champagne 's harvest must therefore reach a reasonable level of ripeness and as the ripening process , or véraison the French call it , increases the sugar content , the high degree of acidity necessary for these wines is important only in ratio to the sugar content .
10 I rather like to think of myself as one of those old retainer figures that you find in Shakespeare , trusted servants or common soldiers , unremarkable in themselves , but loyal in their allegiances , sadly wise but powerless to prevent calamity , useful only in knowledge to be passed to others or sometimes trusted with the guardianship of a precious child , the redemptive agent of unhappy kingdoms or unhappy kings .
11 It is , after all , one of the world 's most expensive spices , second only in cost to saffron itself .
12 The book says that Eliot 's truest poetry was a form of plagiarism , in the benign sense that ‘ it was only in response to other poetry that Eliot could express his own deepest feelings ’ .
13 It would be wrong to believe that the body clock develops only in response to a rhythmic environment and the effect upon the sleep/wake and feeding rhythms that this produces .
14 The present trend of setting up courses only in response to staff shortages will be superseded in the future by any forthcoming legal requirement , and so the administration of courses and the rationale behind them will have to change accordingly .
15 Rich is personal expression and influence we mix pigment not only in response to the subject , but through our mood at the time of painting .
16 But suppose that , though believing himself to be liable , he gives a note or cheque only in response to a demand threatening legal proceedings ?
17 This includes training , using varieties resistant to certain pests , forecasting and biological control , using pesticides only in response to problems , not as a matter of course .
18 In Du Cubisme they wrote : ‘ A decorative work exists only by virtue of its destination , comes to life only in relationship to determinate objects …
19 The Japanese market for Claris is second only in size to the US .
20 In past times , Rome Opera was second only in stature to La Scala , Milan .
21 I had used it only in reference to the night sky and the Zodiac .
22 My dictionary defines ‘ solo ’ only in reference to music , to whist and to aviation .
23 Assumptions and expectations which lie behind an inter-agency approach require to be made more explicit in order that agencies , and individuals within agencies , are absolutely clear about where they stand , not only in relation to the paramount concern of protecting the child , but also in relation to each other .
24 Rosmer 's anecdote gives us the measure of the role that Bukharin played , not only in relation to Lenin , but also to the whole Bolshevik Party .
25 Far from it , powers only in relation to such matters as can be most conveniently and efficiently administered within such an area will be transferred .
26 Formal channels include debates , not only in relation to Bills but in relation to any other matter which the House chooses to consider , and questions , oral and written .
27 Many players totally ignore the triplet subdivision approach , and end up developing their sense of time only in relation to eighths and sixteenth grooves .
28 Danger , as an experience which especially enlivens awareness and is unpleasant only in relation to consequences , is especially rich in possibilities of becoming enjoyable .
29 The rule has been slightly relaxed over the last few years , although only in relation to secondary legislation ; it has also been breached from time to time by a number of judges , not least by judicial free spirit , the former Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
30 The noun ‘ dependent ’ is an ugly label , implying that a person exists only in relation to another person .
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