Example sentences of "only [verb] [pron] that " in BNC.

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1 Only got it that there 's news .
2 But it only needs one that you can not avoid , and you 'll be spending said fifty thousand pound plus per annum in respect to that one patient .
3 Love and attention being the rewards of infantile behaviour , it only amazes me that I did not think of the idea sooner .
4 No , she only told me that the other day yeah she is
5 Even Geoffrey Winbush 's statement only told them that Louise had been on the Woodham Road .
6 Beth had been surprised to know that Cissie herself had been thinking along those very same lines , and it only told her that she was right about Maisie 's children — they were growing up fast .
7 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
8 Jack Russells are difficult animals to teach to retrieve — I have only had one that would do it properly — but they can be taught to work nets , drive rabbits into nets and to be thoroughly disciplined in all they do .
9 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
10 ‘ I can only assure you that I did not break into your house with any harmful intent .
11 I can only assure you that it does help , sometimes .
12 We can only assure you that , as the years go by , you 'll be more and more delighted you took it up .
13 ‘ I can only assure you that you have the wrong person , Mr Wyatt ; there are many models , and more than a few work in the Midlands , and several must have other business interests .
14 ‘ That 's nice , ’ I said to a stranger , speaking only to reassure myself that I could .
15 I mention that not in any boastful sense it 's only to reassure you that if I can do that then I , I ca n't be very much out of giving the wrong gen .
16 I can only take it that he was n't that concerned , that perhaps the Chief Constable does n't share Mr 's concerns , and is perhaps happy that he has received the generous funding that we state he has .
17 The quasi-legal requirements of the Cadbury code of practice and new auditing and accounting rules , putting the responsibility on directors not only to satisfy themselves that adequate systems and controls are in place and that the business is a going concern but to declare this , compound the risk .
18 In the same vein of concentrated analysis ( and again , with rather an insufficiency of music examples ) Oliver Neighbour considers the authorship of certain anonymous keyboard pieces , most particularly a transcription of Byrd 's ‘ O quam gloriosum est regnum ’ Its procedures demonstrate the activity of a master hand ( not inconceivably Byrd 's own ) even if only to satisfy himself that the exercise was n't worth the candle .
19 The irony was that in normal circumstances she would have insisted on seeing a working installation of a new product if only to satisfy herself that whatever she wrote would n't infringe the Trades Descriptions Act .
20 I also take the point Mr has made , and only assure you that we will look at these figures when we get them and take on board the sorts of comments that have just been made by yourself and Mr and by and use them with our judgement applied liberally .
21 The stewards inquired into his running but Richard Dunwoody could only tell them that the favourite was ‘ never going .
22 She could only tell me that Wesley 's father had left home when he was about six years old , that his mother had remarried and the boy now lived with her and his stepfather .
23 I can only tell you that it is intended to be read by a very limited circle of people in the medical profession .
24 I can only tell you that had I done that …
25 They will only tell us that a Jewish prophet called Jesus lived , preached , fell foul of the authorities and was executed .
26 ‘ What you told me last night , Rachel , only convinced me that this marriage could work , ’ he said softly , and walked towards her with a look of intent in his blue eyes that sent panic rushing through her in hot waves .
27 One way to deal with an oppositional patient is to begin a brief trial of outpatient therapy , if only to convince her that she is unable to alter her behaviour despite her belief to the contrary .
28 I was only telling you that I 'm going to be busy , and would n't make a good companion for you . ’
29 The method of studying early Anglo-Saxon archaeology by equating process with typologies , and the demonstration of clustering along the dimensions of time and space , only inform us that some systematic process was at work .
30 Only to tell you that your uncle , Mr Eyre of Madeira , is dead , that he has left you all his property , and that you 're now rich — only that , nothing more . ’
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