Example sentences of "only [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stone only made 500,000 dollars for that and her previous film Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger .
2 Postage , stationery , fourteen O six raffle tickets , eleven pound , making a total of two thirty twenty six as against on the other side the income , three ninety six so we made a hundred and sixty six pound on on the open show which is a great increase on last year because last year we only made twelve pounds something twelve pound and a penny we made last year , so this is a great increase .
3 , The largest flying boat in the world only made one flight ( of about a mile in length at a height of about eighty feet ) , and until recently has been preserved within an aluminium-dome museum , close to the Queen Mary in Long Beach , California .
4 ‘ We applied relentless pressure but Tony Norman only made two saves . ’
5 I first fell in love at the cinema — with Bella Darvi , a Czech film star who only made two films , Hell and High Water with Richard Widmark and The Egyptian with Edmond Purdom .
6 He reckoned that Biblical Christianity not only made more sense than any other religion or philosophy , but also it was the only one that had the power to produce real holiness of life in genuine believers .
7 You go along thinking you know exactly what everything is , and then you stop and look at it and it does n't make any sense and you think maybe it only made any sense in the first place because everyone was pretending it did .
8 The ACDA text reported that the main areas of continuing disagreement between the negotiating teams consisted of ( i ) definitions of and counting rules covering air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) : the USA wished only to include nuclear-armed missiles with a range in excess of 1,500 km with the assumption that a specified average number of missiles be attributed to each bomber , while the Soviet Union included " dual-capable " ( conventional/nuclear ) missiles with a range in excess of 600 km with the assumption that the maximum number of missiles be attributed to each type of bomber ; ( ii ) whether submarine-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) should be limited under START ( or under a separate agreement , as had been suggested by the USA ) and if so whether on-site SLCM verification procedures should be deployed ( as the Soviet Union was suggesting ) or " non-binding declarations ' of numbers be issued ( as proposed by the USA ) ; and ( iii ) a " ban on the production , flight testing or modernization " of existing types of heavy ICBMs ( suggested by the USA ) , although a ban on new missile development was agreed , as were warhead and missile sub-limits in this category .
9 I think he favours an intimate setting , but , ’ and Simone laughed , ‘ I told him that engaged women only favour intimate settings when it 's with their fiancé .
10 Together they illustrate that , even if it is true that Conservatism harbours ‘ a distrust of the purely intellectual approach in politics ’ , this in itself is an ideological position with important implications in terms of both the theory and practice of Conservatism , and Honderich concludes that ‘ the commodious proposition that Conservatives only have and only favour factual beliefs which have passed the test of time , are empirical and so on , and hence are untheoretical in various senses … needs to be delivered , if necessary by private contractors , to the rubbish heap of history ’ .
11 However , the accounts do only compare actual expenditure against grant for both categories .
12 You should do this only to compare one beer with another or one wine with another .
13 When they examined the cells under an electron microscope , the gold only highlighted abnormal proteins in the waste disposal organ of the cell , called the lysosome .
14 In humid tropical environments the leaching of metal cations from silicate minerals is controlled by the supply of acids ; this not only involves carbonic acid , although this is the most pervasive , but also sulphuric acid and , more significantly , a range of organic acids .
15 Viscount Palmerston had taken over as Prime Minister by then only to lose that position to Lord Derby again but only for a year , as the Liberals were able to take control of Parliament in 1859 , with Viscount Palmerston remaining as Prime Minister until 1865 , during which period many changes took place .
16 But on closer investigation it turns out that she has trained herself only to like healthy food .
17 There is no direct evidence that all people have the potential for addictive disease within them and , conversely , there is evidence that addictive disease seems only to affect particular people , albeit an enormous number .
18 The promise of privatised experience in such a crucial area as travel not only erodes public transport , but also feeds into the individualist selfishness of consumerism .
19 But now they are out as well as all junk food , and I 'm only eating one meal a day .
20 In 1947 it had an average daily circulation of 2 , 134,000 copies but in 1961 it only sold 1,394,000 copies .
21 Last year it only sold 5,500 houses in 12 months , but this year it has already sold 4,160 houses in the first five months .
22 and took over the mill and rationalised the business during the 50s and from then on we only sold branded products and compound feeds .
23 They did n't believe in selling endowments , they only sold whole life you see ?
24 I can only presume that Lucker has failed in the macho stakes .
25 While different interpretations may be offered of these low correlations , the fact remains that the ITPA has only limited empirical support for its validity .
26 The failure of British cinema 's first big drive on the international market-place provoked some serious reflection about why British films had only limited offshore appeal .
27 Vincent had up to then only given vague hints about his relationship with Sien .
28 In view of Alain 's remarks on the subject she felt quite honoured , even though she was only given small tasks .
29 Our course makes no serious attempt to cover all areas that could reasonably come under the electronic publishing umbrella — database publishing , network information services , and ( perhaps more seriously ) CD-ROM publishing techniques are only given passing mentions .
30 Locke does suggest , indeed , erm and erm the example that , the rather silly example that I just gave is meant to bring this out , erm that of course those who have only given tacit consent are not full members of that civil society .
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