Example sentences of "only [be] used as " in BNC.

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1 The official statistics , therefore , can only be used as indicators , rather than accurate statements , but they do offer some guides to the occupational picture .
2 A blanket punishment such as detention of a whole class must only be used as a last resort , otherwise people who are quite innocent may be detained incorrectly or unlawfully . ’
3 They should only be used as a starting point for normal contrast subjects .
4 Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort ; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient .
5 Manufacturers ' ratings should therefore only be used as a guide .
6 The coastline shown on the colour picture ( front cover ) should therefore only be used as a guide to the size of the ozone hole and not its longitudinal position .
7 ‘ It must only be used as a last resort . ’
8 Literature may only be used as " evidence " when it has first been assessed " critically " as literature .
9 Today the herb tea should only be used as an external eye wash .
10 Physical restraint should only be used as a last resort .
11 Staining times in particular are highly variable , and those given herein should only be used as a starting point .
12 Nickel ( 1978 ) and Amieux ( 1982 ) summarized known emission colours and activators for many minerals but , in our present state of knowledge , these data should only be used as a guide .
13 Stubborn deposits may require application of organic solvents such as acetone or petroleum ether , but as these have harmful effects on skin and may also dissolve or harden the window sealing gaskets , they should only be used as a last resort .
14 General Condition 3 of the policy , ‘ Your Duty of Care ’ presents frequent problems and the following notes can only be used as a guideline .
15 Two decrees were issued by the Labour Ministry on Jan. 10 , 1990 , ( i ) announcing a nationwide 16 per cent wage increase for workers in state enterprises , stating that this was within the framework of the economic recovery programme ; and ( ii ) stating that strikes might legally be called by trade union committees or mass meetings of workers but that notice should be given to both the employer and the ministry and that strike action should only be used as a last resort .
16 Curiously , while ( 64 ) can only be used as a greeting ( at least in British English ) , ( 65 ) can only be used as a parting : ( 65 ) Good night so that we have here an interaction of time and discourse deixis .
17 Curiously , while ( 64 ) can only be used as a greeting ( at least in British English ) , ( 65 ) can only be used as a parting : ( 65 ) Good night so that we have here an interaction of time and discourse deixis .
18 Government regulation should only be used as a last resort , and even then operated with " a light touch " , the Institute argues .
19 In general this rule should only be used as a last resort in legal proceedings over a contract where the parties have failed to make an express provision as to the status of implied terms .
20 And it says that compulsory redundancy will only be used as a last resort .
21 The council , he says , is committed to achieving the financial savings within the current financial year but that compulsory redundancy will only be used as a last resort .
22 We can conclude from the previous section that a change in national income ( even when adjusted for price and population increases ) can only be used as an indicator , and not an accurate measure , of a change in economic welfare .
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