Example sentences of "only [be] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 This could only be detected and corrected by the user .
2 It could only be wrestling and the worst sort — American wrestling .
3 The UNEP report concludes that the Aral Sea can only be saved and the ecological balance restored by increasing the water flow down the tributaries .
4 This earthly world was depleted of all powers at the end of creation time history ; after that time the community could only be achieved and continuously recreated through individuals carefully taking , with the help of the ruwatu , limited amounts of transformational forces to do so from the gods .
5 Version ranges can only be extended and modules may not be deleted from the displayed list .
6 This unrest , under the circumstances , can only be limited and circumstantial .
7 The claim of a holy Gad that those who have fellowship with him should not only be acquitted and accounted righteous , but actually and progressively be made righteous in an ethical sense is strongly brought out in the Pauline letters .
8 In either case , we need to recognize that the uniqueness of the person can really only be handled and sustained by God .
9 Due to its size , it can only be handled and converted by merchants with large enough bandsaws .
10 It may also include very small remains such as pollen grains , that can only be seen and identified with the aid of a microscope .
11 Adesangé , god of the volcano , was the lord of Sycorax 's rites , and Ariel , even in her mutism , was startled by the fervour of the woman who had once been so sceptical of others ' belief in her powers , who used to insist that all mysteries lay in the processes of nature and need only be observed and analysed and understood .
12 It was subject to a ‘ Test of Acceptability ’ — the fifth principle — and could only be confirmed and implemented after the British government had satisfied itself that it was acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
13 It should be recognised that there is no secondary market for units , they can only be bought and sold from the unit trust itself .
14 As a source of power , it can only be claimed and used if others recognise and accept it as a source of power .
15 When the mechanics of causality have been forsaken , identity can never be known or measured , it can only be postulated and experienced .
16 They hint that there are secrets which can only be divulged and discussed with those who have also been there …
17 The guidelines say that embryos may only be frozen and stored if they are to be used for in vitro fertilisation later on .
18 However , that property could have defects which could only be identified and reported by a more detailed survey .
19 Their interests can only be interpreted and protected by a central executive authority .
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