Example sentences of "only [vb base] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 M27 is the most dwarfing stock ; trees reach only 5–6ft at maturity .
2 library suppliers ( booksellers who only sell to libraries ) ;
3 In other words , the 1 , 2 , 3 … points on the screen only correspond with 1″ , 2″ , 3″ … on the printed page when 10 pitch ( pica ) characters are to be printed .
4 Erm at that erm meeting members did er bring up a number of points er , the comments and questions which have been put to the Environment Trust and the answers to them are there on page ninety five under progress to date and , and on onto page ninety six er , the main ones really are the question as to whether er , any rented housing could be provided erm , in the scheme is dealt with there the Environment Trust only develop for sale or for equity share er , they 're not a housing association , they 're a charitable body erm so they did n't feel that they were able to er , take on the role of er , provided rented housing in the scheme .
5 At present , women only qualify for leave if they have worked for the same employer for two years ; five years for women who work less than 16 hours per week .
6 That might be the motto of the Scottish Health Education Group who not only advertise on television but sponsor a radio soap opera , to say nothing of the Scottish football team .
7 er is not a possibility of having more open days so that general public can come in to see what 's happening and not only advertise in Harlow but advertise I live in Bishop 's Stortford now in the surrounding districts erm time gets although you said you get fifty per cent of people coming from outside of Harlow it does n't matter where the people come from as long as they come so more open days free erm to get people to come in and er particularly er outside people also I would suggest that the er chairman 's of the local district council 's who are not contributing be invited to the open day to see what er the playhouse is doing for the people who live in there er council area 's to see whether we can get some more supports er as a Stortford resident I 'd be quite happy to add a bit on my community charge to go to the playhouse . .
8 Sebastiana : I only suffer from overwork nervos .
9 Bread like what you only eat in March to keep the Lenten hunger pangs at bay .
10 When a minor term of the contract , called a warranty , is breached , the plaintiff may not repudiate the contract but only sue for damages ; breach of a warranty is said to sound in damages only .
11 Male is only sandgrouse with throat but not chin black .
12 We only grow through pain and suffering .
13 If someone holds the common belief that we only grow through pain and suffering , for example , then they are likely to create traumatic experiences at a fairly steady pace .
14 Is sex , for me , something I only want with strangers in the dark ?
15 For your £3 entrance fee , you were invited into a dingey outer bar , packed to capacity with strange anarcho-punk types who only appear at night .
16 I only appear in court when other people have been unjustly treated .
17 The fly-ash particles only appear in sediments after 1945 , rising steeply in the 1970s .
18 Grown-ups only listen to grown-ups .
19 I only hope to God she 's not in too much pain .
20 I only hope to God one of them is . ’
21 One of the principal objects of the conference was , it declared , ‘ to cultivate a good understanding with the employers and thereby remove those prejudices which exist against trade combinations , by showing that they only seek by combination to place themselves upon equal terms as disposers of their labour with those who purchase it ; to secure themselves from injury , but by no
22 Should they be seen as the overall enforcers of the regulations , or should they merely be ombudsmen or watchdogs that only act on customer complaints ?
23 I only speak from observation ; yours may be different , I grant .
24 The methods that she uses erm , and I think this needs to be done well before a disaster , unfortunately so often people only react at times like this and I think it 's such a pity that they do n't do it beforehand , but it 's working on basic assertiveness skills , communications skills like giving a language for feelings , erm building up support for each other , plus the creative work — getting things down
25 If you only put in people who live in houses , you 'll not have all the people who live in maisonettes and flats
26 Not only does Rutland no longer exist , swallowed up by a greater Leicestershire , but the trains which cross the old county now only stop at Oakham , its last surviving station .
27 They only stop at St Felice one out of every three times and , when they do , the bag is chained to their wrists . ’
28 Although it only cost about eightpence ha'penny an ounce then .
29 He lost the first frame quite easily but when Wattana had made 42 in the second , the 23-year-old Thai tried an ambitious plant which only let in Hendry for a clearance of 96 .
30 Secondly , private garages only count as part of the limit on house extensions if they are within 5 metres of the house , otherwise they are treated in the same way as other outbuildings .
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