Example sentences of "only [vb base] for the " in BNC.

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1 If you only want for the effect of being a clown .
2 So when you holiday in Britain you can wish for good weather and only hope for the best .
3 The other five millions include the labourers and less skilled workers , male and female , whose maximum wages only suffice for the necessities and barest decencies of existence , and for whom therefore any mischance means penury , passing swiftly into pauperism . ’
4 we only insure for the intrinsic value of
5 When hiring tools from HSS Hire Shops you only pay for the actual time the equipment is in use ; in addition you have the HAE assurance that the tools you select are regularly maintained , and are in a safe condition .
6 Yeah , but they only pay for the first one .
7 Otherwise she had only praise for the beautiful island .
8 The players also have only praise for the man and his methods .
9 The actions of the marriage ceremony not only serve for the accomplishment of the social act of wedding , that is joining in matrimony , but are also said to symbolize ‘ the mystical union twixt Christ and his Church ’ .
10 Retrofits have proved more expensive and really only serve for the short term .
11 ‘ So you only fight for the money . ’
12 Only work for the socialist revolution and you work for justice for everyone ; blacks , women , oppressed minorities everywhere .
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