Example sentences of "only [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Only through awareness of , and agreement on , the value of each aspect of communication can we hope that educational methodology will progress .
2 As Marwick has argued , ‘ It is only through knowledge of its history that a society can have knowledge of itself ’ , and Carr has said that ‘ The more sociological history becomes and the more historical sociology becomes , the better for both . ’
3 Verdun had a long history : it was an important city in Roman times ; Vauban , the great fortress builder of Louis XIV 's reign , had fortified it with ditches and bastions ; in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1 Verdun had withstood a siege of 10 weeks , falling only through lack of supplies .
4 Were there drivers who changed their habits only through fear of personal detection ?
5 Individuals in Japan are said to find their true self-identity only through membership of , and intimate participation in , group activity .
6 Already , though , the examiners are looking not only for knowledge of syllabus content but also for those intellectual qualities that make a successful chartered accountant .
7 ‘ I could mend that for you , ’ he had said , hating anything broken or untidy only for want of a firm nail .
8 I write about these themes myself but often only for want of a better language .
9 The exploration of dramatic configurations has revealed possibilities that are so many and varied that any list would be incomplete , if only for lack of tomorrow 's development .
10 American liberals have taken the lead in defining equal opportunity as the goal of a decent society , but the European left is following on only for lack of anything better to pursue .
11 ‘ He does , but only for part of the week ; the rest of the time he works at Conway House . ’
12 Where a minority lacks a territory — for example , the Jews for much of their history , black people in the United States , the Indian Dalit Panthers ( an organization of untouchable caste members ) — then the practical struggle can be only for equality of treatment , not national independence .
13 Canals were used not only for transport of goods but also for ferrying passengers and for the occasional pleasure trip .
14 only for matter of a week , ten days by which time it 'll be fixed .
15 The vulnerable persons whom it is the aim of the section to protect are precisely those least likely to be prepared to attend court to give evidence , if only for fear of later reprisals .
16 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly , but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time , and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer :
17 For quick revision , the skeleton of the subject must be visible at a glance , and it is worth while making some effort to produce this effect , if only for ease of revision ; indeed , revision becomes almost a pleasure if the notes are eminently readable and carry their message with punch .
18 h - 1 resulted in significant ( p<0.05 ) increases in plasma PP in the normoglycaemic and 8 mmol/l hyperglycaemic experiments whereas during the 15 mmol/l hyperglycaemic experiment plasma PP concentrations increased significantly only during infusion of 1.0 IDU kg - 1 .
19 A higher degree is certainly of value , if only as proof of intellectual ability , and can make the difference between getting an interview and not getting one .
20 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
21 A former tax inspector , he has had experience of power only as head of the regional government in Old Castile and Leon .
22 The Alps were compelling , but only as part of the scenery , not as the winter activity playground they were to become .
23 Another point is that the information management unit was intended not only as part of a construction industry course for students at universities and polytechnics , but was also aimed as a course to assist construction industry personnel already in industry .
24 ( They also do this when they bring their owners dead birds from the garden , an action normally done only as part of the food-training routine when mother cats show their kittens the kind of prey they must later attack . )
25 It must never be used as a quick fix , but only as part of a dedicated care programme .
26 Although Richard III later reversed the settlement , he apparently did so only as part of his dismantling of Woodville influence and not out of any sense that the disposal of the lands had been inequitable .
27 The French were particularly opposed to the re-creation of a German Army and , in October , Premier René Pleven announced that France would rearm German troops only as part of a ‘ European Army ’ which , by creating federal defence institutions , would prevent Germany regaining any military independence .
28 But he saw her only as part of the furniture , and so her guilt was lessened .
29 Eat sweet things only as part of a meal , then have something sweet once a day , then only on alternate days .
30 Emmie had always known it , really , but only as part of the long , beautiful dream she had about all her family .
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