Example sentences of "give up some of " in BNC.

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1 In a speech made to one group he argued that they had need to ‘ give up some of [ their ] justifiable rage ’ ( Independent 1989 ) .
2 However , she can not control every aspect of government and she will give up some of her authority to , for example , the Chancellor of the Exchequer where financial matters are concerned .
3 What happens , reckons the study ( which looked at 88 big , troubled firms , 41 in chapter 11 and 47 in workouts , between 1983 and 1990 ) , is that creditors give up some of their seniority rights as a carrot to get management to agree to a deal .
4 But as they do , they give up some of their own energy ; so the atmosphere in turn modifies the radiations .
5 To be expected to relinquish this power , and give up some of the spoils to the likes of SARU , who had been at the forefront in demanding the non-participation of the Springboks in international competition since it was ‘ impossible to play normal sport in an abnormal society ’ , must , understandably , be a difficult to swallow .
6 It may at times become chaotic and disordered , but that , that 's not the normal state of affairs , and Hobbes ' analysis of social order leads him to conclude that social order only becomes possible , when individuals give up some of their freedom , to centralize authority .
7 It 's hard work ; you 'll have to give up some of your weekends and you wo n't be paid , other than expenses !
8 Nor is it suggested that the smallholder should revert to primitive subsistence living , although he may need to give up some of the consumer society 's more expensive luxuries .
9 BA was , however , to be forced to give up some of British Caledonian 's route network .
10 Everett argued that the Founders would have to give up some of their powers if NoS was going to attract any regular City investment .
11 If , for instance , I volunteered to give up some of my bone marrow to save a person suffering from leukaemia , then , so long as my own health was not in danger , there would seem to be nothing wrong with my momentarily relinquishing my autonomy .
12 The man has to give up some of his power ; the woman must gain some .
13 But though the machinery of government is developing in this direction , there is insufficient willingness to face the facts , to give up some of the pretences left over from the old period of vigorous , participatory democracy in order to remove the anomalies and rationalize the system .
14 But America has always wanted Israel to give up some of the occupied territory , and has grown keener since the start of a desperate revolt by the occupied people .
15 Since universities had become relatively autonomous in 1863 , the authorities ' general attitude towards education seemed to indicate a readiness on their part to give up some of the prerogatives of the central bureaucracy .
16 Should we not ask whether it is right for people with high salaries to give up some of their income to give to pensioners the means to live with dignity ?
17 Can Bob Halton hear the protest and risk giving up some of his ‘ I love me ’ ?
18 First , and most important , stick with fonts that were designed for the printer you are using even if this means giving up some of the typographic niceties .
19 For example , when the UK government approved the merger of Britain 's two largest airlines , British Airways and British Caledonian , in 1988 , the EC Commission exercised its power to override national policy and insisted on some tough additional requirements ( e.g. BA giving up some of its routes from Gatwick ) before approving the merger .
20 Inevitably , the growing scale of war organisation demanded more services and more taxation ; in return for protection and a common system of laws , most freemen gave up some of those freedoms .
21 Even if a " bill " succeeds at this stage , there is no further time allocated for the remaining stages and so , unless the Government gives up some of its time , the bill will not proceed further .
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