Example sentences of "give they [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Seven had given them no real choice : they could be Han or they could be nothing .
2 And I 'd like to bet there 's quite a few of the blokes down there ’ — she jerked her head to the side — ‘ look upon this war as a godsend because it 's given them a legitimate excuse to leave their shanties .
3 A life of saving had , by 1985 , given them a small nest-egg of £15,000 on which the interest would help supplement their pensions .
4 It may be that their experience of GIST has given them a better idea of the amount of work and energy involved in trying to change things ( Kelly et al . ,
5 Despite reservations , America has given them a new lease of life ; a new challenge .
6 For some — especially Jane — Henry 's presence had given them a new role , a new meaning !
7 You 'll given them a new target to go for a ?
8 I think coming together after all these years has given them a new lease of life
9 They may be bottom of the table but their latest signings have given them a new lease of life .
10 If undemanding schooling methods , supplemented by hours in front of cretinous , discontinuous TV programmes , have given them a thirty-second attention span , poor linguistic skills , therefore poor conceptualising and critical powers , and a craving for instant entertainment , then it will not matter what cultural policy a government adopts .
11 More than one of them remarked on how pleasant it was to return to base in the early hours , cold , cramped and tired out , to see our welcoming smiles as they called in at the office on their way down to the Mess , even though they had probably only called in to tear us off a strip for having given them a rotten weather forecast .
12 Herefordshire Friends of the Earth have looked into the Green Cone Scheme … and given them a guarded welcome :
13 Nutty had given them a thorough grounding in the process , and put out the evening feeds ready , not trusting them to get the quantities right .
14 The somewhat bitter though minty flavour of hyssop leaves has given them a mixed reception amongst cooks and gourmets. so it is not surprising that hyssop 's original use was medicinal , as suggested by the specific name — officinalis ( from the Latin officina , workshop ) indicates that the plant was authorized for use by the medical profession and could be sold in pharmacies .
15 Their shared interests and their long , friendly relationship had given them a complete understanding of each other 's character , and this finally developed , after their wedding , into a love that nothing could destroy .
16 ‘ I bet that 's given them a real sense of purpose .
17 In the early stages England had given them a certain amount of help , partly out of sympathy for their Protestant religious beliefs and partly to check the power of Spain — it was this war in the Netherlands , more than the troubles in South America , which convinced Philip that he should try to invade England .
18 Erm you 've given them a good start in life , it 's your money , enjoy yourselves with it .
19 ‘ And they 've let the Bravoes in given them a potential scandal that …
20 But he agreed the police could have given them a few day 's notice of the situation .
21 Trying to escape by going to the only other bar in Woodstock , where I was chased around a table by The Psychedelic Furs because I had given them a bad review in a music paper .
22 There is no doubt that some worksheets are simply banal , and it may be these that have given them a bad name — especially the quiz type that simply ask " How many ? " or " What ? "
23 That means , they 've raised a third , we 've given them a third , and they got a third to raise .
24 It 's given them a flying start ahead of their Japenese competitors , who until now were the traditional market leaders in electronics .
25 In theory , during this period their potential to adapt technology to source inputs locally ( as had occurred in Biafra during the civil war ) , rather than to import them might have given them a competitive edge over the large manufacturing companies managed and partly owned from overseas .
26 Empirical research in the 1960s demonstrated that even in the cases where the middle class had been initially progressive , success had given them a conservative outlook and led them to join forces with the traditional elite rather than with the working class ( Ratinoff 1967 , Sunkel 1965 ) .
27 Addressing the Institute of Housing in 1989 , the Junior Minister of Housing said of housing associations : ‘ We have given them a vital job to do .
28 Is it because we 've given them a different have we already used a pot up ?
29 Under the energetic leadership of H. L. Dowbiggin , Inspector-General from 1913 to 1937 , the police gained sophistication which may have given them a relative advantage over some lawbreakers .
30 In so doing they will be building on their earlier writing experiences which should have given them a positive view of themselves as writers who are capable of making and receiving meanings using a variety of forms depending on audience and purpose .
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