Example sentences of "give you the [det] " in BNC.

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1 If your chosen pattern for the main fabric uses an unusual needle setting , perhaps with a different setting on each bed , then study the pattern before you begin and choose a welt which will give you the least amount of transferring for the final setting .
2 Does that give you the same answer ?
3 Or what we could do , if you say these this dose makes you a bit drowsy , we could give you the same stuff but in a lower dose .
4 ‘ I 'll give you the same chance I 'd give a hungry vixen in a rabbit cage , ’ he growled .
5 Erm now if I 'd given you the same thing and you 'd
6 Then cos you had er three warnings you got five minutes before and er then you had a the erm final warning and then the blasting and the they give you the all clear .
7 So at last — science has discovered the reason why agony aunts always give you the same advice : if your marriage has got stale , brighten yourself up , get fitter , take up a hobby or surprise your husband .
8 On these cassettes you will hear the voice of the hypnotherapist , who will help you to achieve the desired state , then give you the same suggestions that he or she would make if you were in the consulting room ; finally , the hypnotherapist will wake you up again .
9 ‘ The Medjay captain asked me that too , and I give you the same answer : how would an escaped convict find his way into the compound ?
10 ‘ What is it about work that gives you the most pleasure ? ’
11 I 've given you the two , er , the one that gives you the most space for the day , on the basis that if you have too much space for daily planning , it 's maybe irritating .
12 Er , but I want you to start with this one , because it gives you the most flexibility .
13 Position one is the Strat-style neck pickup wired straight through the volume control and out to the jack , while position two gives you the same pickup but this time through the tone circuit .
14 So omega operating on V gives you the same but rotated anticlockwise .
15 That 's west unless we 're off course , in which case it 's night ; the King gave me the same as you , the King gave you the same as me : the King never gave me the letter , the King gave you the letter , we do n't know what 's in the letter ; we take Hamlet to the English King , it depending on when we get there who he is , and we hand over the letter , which may or may not have something in it to keep us going , and if not , we are finished and at a loose end , if they have loose ends .
16 a derivative of it , which gave you the same high that ecstasy does and er , and if you did n't it from the doctor you could buy it on the street .
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