Example sentences of "give [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lucas said Michael worked for Bond Corporation for around five years and was trusted so greatly he was given responsibility for the security of international VIPs who visited Western Australia during Bond 's America 's Cup defence three years ago .
2 In 1902 the county councils were given responsibility for the planning and provision of secondary education .
3 We need a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species : as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole .
4 To ensure that hospital consultants — whose decisions effectively commit sums of money — are involved in the management of hospitals ; are given responsibility for the use of resources ; and are encouraged to use those resources more effectively .
5 The study did not show any major differences between doctors and nurses , indicating that nurses who are specifically trained to assess attempted suicide patients and who work in a team where there is a psychiatrist available for consultation and supervision can be given responsibility for the initial assessment of these patients .
6 Vista Chemical , the American subsidiary of the German Company RWE-DEA has been given responsibility for the worldwide marketing of linear alkylbenzene .
7 Therefore , argue Trist et al. , the work group has to be given responsibility for the entire cycle of operations , and for handling the interdependence between those on different shifts .
8 Some functional departmentation remains ( eg manufacturing , distribution , marketing and sales ) but a divisional manager is given responsibility for the product , product line or brand , with authority over the personnel of different functions involved in its production marketing etc .
9 Two years later , Brooke was given responsibility for the Kent coast from Dover to Whitstable , with the task of preventing any communication between the French and their English sympathizers .
10 A new Ministry of Commerce , Industry and Co-operatives led by Richard Kaijuka ( hitherto Minister of Energy ) was given responsibility for the development of import substitution and the promotion of exports .
11 For six years or so the CNAA had moved with caution — indeed , only one of its officers , Francis Hanrott , had any previous experience involving contact with teacher education , and he was given responsibility for the various levels of negotiation .
12 With several modifications , such varied anthropologists as D. Forde [ 1948 ] , M. Fortes ] 1953 ] , and M. Sahlins [ 1961 ] have given support to the view that segmentary systems , the modern anthropological equivalent of Morgan 's ‘ gentile systems ’ , seem to occur in societies with similar technologies and they are by and large of the type postulated in The Origin .
13 Wall Street has been hitting new peaks this week too , which has given support to the London market ( and even Japan 's Nikkei index , in a typically erratic period , has gained nearly 800 points while London added its 245 ) but London has real strengths of its own .
14 Similarly , the prevention of further episodes of self-poisoning or self-injury continues to be a problem , and while retrospective investigations have given support to the policy of psychiatric intervention , prospective studies have failed to demonstrate any effect on repetition rates .
15 He is scathing in his attacks on those French politicians , journalists and writers who " have collaborated in word and deed with the policies of Hitler " , and who " at critical moments have given support to the guiding principles of these policies : antisemitism , anti-communism , anti-democracy , hegemonic mission of the Reich in Europe , national-socialist " pacifism " .
16 AFTER a week mulling over Budget proposals for offshore tax reform , British Petroleum has given support to the Chancellor 's moves to encourage more efficient oil and gas production .
17 Our next concern is about the number of buy-out initiatives that will be given support by the Scottish Office .
18 Hospice administrator Deidre Shaw said : ‘ Our shop is a most essential source of income and can only operate well if it is given support by the public .
19 A clutch of companies involved in technology from the Soviet space programmes has been given permission for the first time to deal direct with foreigners .
20 The Tsar had given permission for the formation of the Legion but , a couple of months later , the Tsarina rescinded the order .
21 In December 1924 a press release stated that Her Majesty the Queen had graciously given permission for the house to be exhibited at the ninth Ideal Home Exhibition to be held by the Daily Mail at Olympia the following March .
22 In order to establish a trust fund to cover this , and the maintenance of the college 's picture collection , the Charity Commissioners , after over two years of deliberation , have given permission for the sale of three paintings : a Turner , a Constable and a Gainsborough .
23 The President of Cuba had apparently given permission for the Jews to be landed on the Isle of Pines , a former penal colony .
24 I think it was er fairly evident that he had given permission for the three British hostages to be released after Sir Edward Heath 's meeting with Tariq .
25 Edinburgh Airport Ltd. own the land , which runs parallel with the airport perimeter fence , and have given permission for the path to be constructed .
26 The committee has given permission for the bucket collection to be taken on behalf of our colleagues at at the end of the Tuesday morning session .
27 The government has given permission for the plant to go ahead in the face of sustained opposition from environmentalists , church groups , and the local Lumad tribal people , to whom the mountain is sacred .
28 The portfolio would stay in Russia until authorities have given permission for the pictures to be exported .
29 Wembley chairman Sir Brian Wolfson has given permission to the former England captain 's family for a match in his honour .
30 Nor would such a study have been given permission by the RUC , for it is utopian to expect police authorities in divided societies to open up these sections of their force to scrutiny and observation by outsiders .
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