Example sentences of "give [pron] [art] right " in BNC.

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1 That 's okay , she 's also given me the right words to use to put it through urgently , okay , cos I mean you , I know you have n't exchanged yet , but you want to do that fairly quickly .
2 Well Derek 'll give you the right one wo n't he ?
3 Well okay it might be obvious but it does n't give you the right answer .
4 The Leader would give him a right bollocking , but there were no hard feelings , because everyone knew that really he loved the poor little bugger , with an almost fatherly concern .
5 Next time he sends you greetings do give him the right salute instead of the two-fingered one .
6 In addition , she knew that ours was the kind of show which would give her the right sort of outlet .
7 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
8 How would be persuaded or give them the right image .
9 Go on , God damn it , and give me the right stuff this time around . "
10 " Strictly speaking , you 're going to be dead very soon unless you give me the right instructions . "
11 Give me the right details for contacting your radio people at this end and I 'll be in touch before you know it . ’
12 Give you the right introductions … "
13 Your solicitor is the independent professional who will put your interests first and give you the right advice .
14 ‘ In the psychic realm it means that we are free to follow any set of images and symbols which give us the right mental feedback — and the State encourages us .
15 But it was typical of Pound 's kindness , even to a potential enemy or rival , that he should have so persisted in trying to give me the right contacts .
16 Now , before speaking to that person , whether your boss or partner , ask your mentor to inspire you and to tell you the right time , to choose the right place and to give you the right words and the correct approach — and to help the other party accept what you have to say .
17 If you lack confidence in your ability to give her the right kind of help and comfort , but really want to do so , you have nothing to fear , because this probably means that you are much better equipped for the task than you imagine .
18 By agreeing to give him a right one purports to confer it on him , or one promises to do so in the future ( the expression is ambiguous ) .
19 Woodworm and beetle infestation makes much of it unsuitable for structural work but treated and cleaned up with an adze to give it the right period look , much of it could be put to good decorative effect .
20 But I just hope Rugby League bosses will help the rest of the British talent by giving them the right set-up in which to play and train . ’
21 But , crucially , Zurich backed up its service by appointing international business managers in all its main markets and giving them the right staff and resources , not least information .
22 er to make sure that we 're giving you the right platform to earn money to keep all of your er aspects going .
23 In supporting our own active participation in , and control over our own affairs , such people are giving us the right kind of help .
24 She approved of my taste and I 'd given her the right amount of money for the red coat which I st ill have n't worn .
25 You sure you given him the right size .
26 My wife gave me a right old bo*****ing last night when I started shouting abuse at Keumann ( sp ? )
27 Fucking what , I , I 'm , I think it was he 's mum or not , some old biddy gave me a right old .
28 ‘ I 'm not frightened of dying because Dr Child gave me the right attitude : Think of the future and be hopeful . ’
29 I said oh you cunt , said I 'm your troop you ca n't me go in there , he says try me , I said bastard so I fucking right sea , fucking over the right you can come out now , marched back out again gave them a right old on the way back again , get changed again , alright , I thought you cunt
30 Whatever I use , whether it is a crystal ball , a pack of cards , or an article belonging to somebody , it is simply a stageprop ; something that gives me the right vibrations and helps me to see the right pictures . ’
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