Example sentences of "now [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it may now be accepted that so long as a historian is acting as a historian , his criteria must arise from his own study and must not be imported from some other autonomous field .
2 The guns will now be de-activated and used in training and as teaching aids by Durham Police .
3 It will now be argued that the topological ‘ fold ’ singularities of regions II and III in the Khan-Penrose solution , are also general features of all colliding plane wave solutions .
4 It could now be argued that the unity of wartime should be carried on to deal with peacemaking , demobilization and economic reconstruction .
5 It could now be argued that , throughout the history of the earth , Nature had rewarded those who were able and energetic , and punished those who could not keep up with the race towards higher things .
6 In archaeology , I understand , it can now be said that computers are automatically considered for any project , however small .
7 But it may now be said that , so far from being a depressing conclusion , this states precisely the practical importance of conventionalism for adjudication .
8 And if twins , triplets or multiple pregnancies are expected , some rather than all the fetuses can now be aborted provided there are sufficient grounds to do so .
9 Pupils will now be tested when they are deemed to have moved from one stage to another and the teacher will be free to determine when this is the case .
10 It can now be concluded that while initially forms of antislavery activity were in considerable part shaped by the struggle against the West Indians , they moved beyond these limits and assumed some of the characteristics of a popular movement .
11 Andrew will now be cared for for an indefinite period at a psychiatric institution in Wales .
12 Suspicions will now be increased that the regiment has been penetrated by a network of loyalist paramilitary supporters and sympathisers .
13 It can now be seen that these pieces of equipment constitute a basic gym around which routines for both beginners and advanced trainers can be structured .
14 It will now be seen that the escarpment is the abrupt end of a large plateau culminating in Wild Boar Fell .
15 It can now be seen that the sum of constant capital used up in the two departments during the production cycle is less than the total means of production produced by Dept .
16 It can now be seen that the argument from pleasure draws its imperative conclusions , not directly from psychological fact , but from psychological fact combined with the imperative ‘ Be aware ’ .
17 The sale of Vernons , generally viewed as a reflection of cash-flow difficulties at the time , can now be seen as yet another example of Sangster 's far-sightedness , in part encouraged by expectations of a national lottery in Britain .
18 Conventional archaeology must now be seen as only one aspect of a balanced study of prehistory , not the dominant factor .
19 As a party , the Republicans , in electoral terms , remain weak below the presidential level and Reagan 's victory in 1980 can now be seen as largely a personal rather than an ideological or party triumph .
20 Apart from this belief in the straightforward truth of books which would now be seen as in differing degrees myth , with Adam as Everyman rather than a historical figure , for example , there was diffidence about the boundaries of science .
21 These worries can now be seen as exaggerated .
22 The transmitter should now be operated and the l.e.d. held pointing downwards approximately 10cm away from the top of the phototransistor on the receiver unit .
23 The quality of programmes may now be affected as cash cuts to offset the overspending are needed .
24 WHAT a tragedy that the life and career of Flake model Rachel Brown could now be ruined because of the dreadful drug Ecstasy .
25 A recent scientific review states that : ‘ On the basis of a large body of research , it can now be stated that passive smoking causes lung cancer in non-smokers and serious respiratory illness in babies …
26 If they had been , then his own parents and the rest of his kind would now be gone and the territory might be free .
27 This is because , under FRS 3 , one-off items that would formerly have been classified as extraordinary will now be treated as ordinary and eps will , in any case , be calculated after extraordinary items .
28 That should now be forgiven and forgotten .
29 Acquisition is not easy to separate from either apprehension on one side or storage on the other , but it implies that learning has taken place in that something new can now be done if appropriate .
30 The user will now be asked whether ‘ All or Partial Module Relationships ( A/P ) ’ are required .
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