Example sentences of "now [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Renowned in life for her guarded silences , Harriett Arbuthnot speaks out now through the 441 pages of her Journal .
2 During the eighties , and now during the nineties , more and more stars , directors and behind-the-scenes boys , have turned to using cocaine , Angel Dust and other substances that are stronger , harder and more dangerous than marijuana .
3 Now for the 1992 events .
4 Paula needs homes now for the 30 dogs and 15 cats in care .
5 After 13 years of so-called Tory economic miracle , how does the Secretary of State explain to industrialists in Yorkshire and Humberside why manufacturing investment there is now below the 1979 level , and why there were no measures in the Budget for manufacturers and manufacturing investment ?
6 PAY rises are falling , with many deals now below the 3.7 per cent inflation rate , according to a new report .
7 PAY rises are falling , with many deals now below the 3.7 per cent inflation rate , according to a new report .
8 All that remains now of the sixteen dwellings Seller burned are a few tumbled stones , scattered over the green hillside .
9 Fearful , utterly unaware now of the two men near by , she let her eyes move slowly up the document , seeing other names but only vaguely noting that she was scanning a list of some sort .
10 Is it , now with the two nurses there ?
11 We can contrast , for example , the comparatively strict ways in which regulations under the 1986 Social Security Act instruct local authorities in the administration of housing rebates , with powers given ( originally in the 1963 Children and Young Persons Act , now in the 1980 Child Care Act ) to local authorities to make money payments , in exceptional circumstances to prevent children being taken into care , where no attempt has been made to prescribe how this should be done .
12 What percentage of the workers are now in the five main industries ?
13 Mr Neal has offered his own bill to check the Fed 's independence but only by requiring it to adopt policies that would eliminate US inflation , now in the 5 per cent range , by 1994 .
14 That was what this argument was about , even now in the 1990s in Wimbledon .
15 And not long before leaving England I 'd read a newspaper item revealing that a Gauguin landscape bought by another novelist , Hugh Walpole , in 1924 for £145 would now in the thirties be worth around £6,000 , and that Hermann Goering in Nazi Germany had recently paid Alfred Krupp the armaments boss 10,000 Reichmarks for another of the wayward artist 's pictures .
16 Bans had to be introduced to give the fish stocks time to recover , and they are better now in the 1980's than they have been since the mid-1960's .
17 We are now in the seventies and our image must reflect our desire to serve the deaf of our times . "
18 West Indian families , for example , now in the seventies and early eighties are probably smaller than the equivalent British families — Indian and Pakistani a bit bigger .
19 On a happier note , list subscriptions are now in the mid-40s ; pretty good going .
20 My Lord the er case moves on there over the page now to the twenty fourth of September and on that day Mr was notified erm by his bank on the telephone that head office had approved the finance proposal in principal and as a result of that Mr then telephone Peter , the defendant , told him that the financing for this deal had been approved in principal and Mr asked Mr to provide a bankers draft of some seven and a half thousand pounds in order to enable exchange to take place as a matter of urgency .
21 now the best of the timber he had Gottonam Peters , the builders that were , I mean they were building a lot then and I 'm going back now to the fifties and the sixties Gottonam Peters they 'd done a lot of building in Upton in Chester and erm , developments er expect building sort of thing and er , they used to buy in all the three by twos and four by threes that he could get , the good ones second hand
22 All done at a hundred and sixty pounds one seventy one seventy now on the one eighty one ninety one ninety two hundred two hundred pounds .
23 Now on the five fifty series for example , it 's an complete cartridge spindle on the twelve thousand revs , yeah ?
24 A petro-chemical and pharmaceuticals company , Elf Aquitaine was founded in 1941 and is now among the ten largest oil , gas and chemical companies in the world , with an operating income in 1991 of FFr18.8 billion .
25 He raised them now at the two shaken women who sat facing him in the interview-room at Stowbridge police station .
26 Look with me now at the twelve questions .
27 The total UK repossession figure is now around the 70,000 mark .
28 Comparative testing of cost-effectiveness has led to most newly-built housing areas being designed now around the 30 km/h provision with associated speed-reducing measures .
29 The revised European staff requirement document has been signed now by the four chiefs of air staff , this was done last month .
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