Example sentences of "no [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 One of the many misconceptions about housing finance is that home-owners are self-reliant , buying their houses with no resort to the state , while public sector tenants are the recipients of huge hand-outs .
2 The council has endorsed a recommendation from the committee that there should be no change to the restrictions placed on inter-dealer broker services , which many market makers have criticised .
3 The company retains its global ambitions , and has worldwide rights to all software and hardware products , and says there will be no change to the operational structure in any of the countries in which it operates .
4 There will be no change to the way in which staff are paid , or to pay dates .
5 ‘ But there has been no change to the full employment policy . ’ ,
6 I would see no change to the exiting
7 John Major says there 'll be no change to the Government 's economic policies .
8 John Major says there 'll be no change to the Government 's economic policies .
9 The North West and Northumbria showed slight deterioration , around three per cent , although no change to the Mersey or Tees estuaries .
10 The findings of a major study in Sheffield between 1976 and 1978 lent ‘ no support to the view that formal action encourages parents to ensure that their children attend more regularly in the future ’ .
11 And Eden , who wanted the leadership of the Tory Party , offered no support to the movement triggered by his resignation .
12 My Lords , as I would submit , the report contains a great deal which confirms and nothing which contradicts the interpretation of the word ‘ appropriates ’ which I have preferred , and a comparison of the Act with the draft Bill gives no support to the contrary view .
13 No concession to the question .
14 Drunkenness due to one 's own fault is in itself no defence to a criminal charge ; and this is probably true also of drunkenness not due to one 's own fault — though no doubt the fact that it was not due to one 's own fault would be a ground for mitigation of punishment .
15 So , for example , the consent of the victim is no defence to a charge of murder or , in the case of an assault , ‘ that the victim thought his or her punishment well deserved and submitted to it ’ .
16 It was however submitted before your Lordships , by Mr. Collins on behalf of Wickes , that there was a further , more specific , prerequisite of the exercise of the jurisdiction to grant an injunction in such a case , viz. that the defendant must plainly have no defence to a criminal prosecution .
17 Whilst an exclusion clause in the manufacturer 's contract of sale could provide the manufacturer with a good defence to a claim by the wholesaler , it would provide him with no defence to a claim in negligence by the consumer .
18 It should be noted that the accused would have had no defence to a charge of obtaining property by deception by switching the price labels .
19 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
20 The Hammonds would have had no defence to an action for the price .
21 By section 10 of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 co-ownership is no defence to an action in conversion where one , without the authority of the other —
22 First and foremost he maintained that a mistake of law would be no defence to the application of the principle but as alternatives he submitted that the principle would be subject to the mistake of law defence or that the defence of mistake of law should be abrogated altogether .
23 Equally , it would be no defence to the charge of insulting behaviour founded upon , for example , handing out leaflets seeking to persuade soldiers to desert that it was not the leafleter 's intention to insult , so long as the leaflet was in fact insulting , and the person distributing it was at least aware that it might be regarded as insulting by the person to whom it was addressed .
24 Again , there is no response to a large spot .
25 There was no response to a remark like that which did not sound either conceited or simpering , or both .
26 Umpire Barker made no response to the appeal , whereupon Richards — who at slip was in precisely the wrong place to see what had happened — danced down the pitch waving his right hand frantically , giving every appearance that he was about to remonstrate forcefully with the umpire ; whereupon Mr Barker raised his finger and Bailey was on his way .
27 In response to this situation ‘ the national government has made no response to the problem of erosion , and none is planned ’ !
28 There was initial improvement but now there is no response to the remedy and the same symptoms are still present .
29 If there is no response to the exclusion phase , then cut out nuts , fish , wheat , tomatoes , lamb , peanuts and soya as well .
30 Of 34 patients followed throughout the year , only two seemed to have no response to the healing .
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