Example sentences of "no [adj] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The tiny lady in purple looking after the money , 78 years old and no bigger than twopennorth of copper , was Jess Wilson who turned out to have been a British clay pigeon champion many years ago .
2 In form , the skeletons are rather crude , looking more like playful chimpanzees than fearful osseous frames , with their wide mouths and eye-sockets being no bigger than chocolate drops .
3 They were no bigger than leaf monkeys , but had black caps and a line of black fur about the eyes , giving them an oddly human look .
4 If you look at Algol and find that it is no brighter than Epsilon or Zeta , you may be sure that an eclipse is in progress .
5 Hu Kun is no larger than life would have him : a small , intense voice readily absorbed into the surrounding string texture in times of excited tutti .
6 Your appeal , in proper form , must be lodged here no later than Failure to do so will result in your appeal being held as abandoned .
7 John the Baptist appears to have been executed by Herod Antipas some time after A.D. 28 , but no later than A.D. 35 .
8 Entries to be received no later than World Cup Final Day , July 8 .
9 The high correlation of bursts of rapid eye movements with intense dreaming tended to encourage early investigators in their impression that the eye movements were following the actions of 70–80 per cent of vivid dreams.19 However , when blind matches of EOG records with dream narratives have been made simply on the basis of written evidence and the polygraphic record , matching of reports to records has been no better than chance .
10 Since then , however , two further studies have shown it to be no better than placebo and inferior to 5-ASA .
11 He was no better than Stair , or Havvie , in his lack of concern for the feelings of those about him , he thought .
12 Yet the overt ruralism of the prose is more strongly qualified in the verse , where country , primitive , with its ‘ daemonic , chthonic/ Powers ’ is seen as ultimately no better than city unless-redeemed by the Christian vision .
13 When civilization was no better than barbarism , the whole experiment of humanity was at an end , and it was time to clean the slate .
14 Prohibition of drugs , they say , works no better than prohibition of alcohol did in the United States .
15 The sauce should be very smooth , ivory-coloured and no thicker than cream .
16 She wore a black dress reaching to just above her knees , suspended from her shoulders by straps no thicker than shoe laces ; black stockings , encasing surprisingly slim legs , and very high-heeled red shoes that elevated her an inch or so above Morse as he stood up and offered her his stool .
17 So the ‘ quantity ’ of services provided ( measured , for example , by the number of workers employed in providing them ) rose no faster than output as a whole .
18 Two rules must be obeyed when exploiting them : local cooling , close to the heat pump or its heat exchanger , must be no faster than heat can flow in from the surroundings ; and the source temperature must not be lowered more than a few degrees below its undisturbed level .
19 ‘ I doubt you will get into bad company whilst in my care ! ’ said the lady Alianor with a smile — she being renowned for plain-speaking no less than loyalty .
20 Year 3 : No less than Year 2 sales
21 But Donleavy , no less than Hurley , was anxious to get him back .
22 So in fact , self-knowledge requires no less than revelation .
23 ‘ The sort of judgmental work that the study suggests the external assessor will do will be of a much higher standard requiring people at no less than partner or senior manager level .
24 I insisted in my foreword that spiritual warfare was down to earth and it is no less than modernity where the battle is now raging .
25 His crime is blasphemy no less than theft , for from the beginning he lied impiously , saying he had his revelation from the saint , and he has covered his offence ever since with lie after lie .
26 This has been capped by the well publicised current appearance of no less than Rain Man ( Warner ) for sale ( £14.99 ) as well as for rent , when hitherto the two spheres have tacitly been regarded as mutually exclusive .
27 Death is n't ; at least , no more than birth is .
28 The ‘ best ’ rooms have chimney-pieces picked out in a canny false-stone effect ( in fact no more than mortar ) or else ornamented by rubbed and painted bricks .
29 In fact , contrary to what has sometimes been said about his modesty , he enjoyed talking about his work , even when it was no more than work in progress .
30 They were proceeding at no more than walking pace past the numerous hut-like structures around the perimeter of the Barracks , and Denis kept his gaze resolutely in front of him .
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