Example sentences of "no [noun] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Azerbaijani officials claimed that the attacks on the border were the consequence of frustration of local residents that they had received no response to demands presented during the previous month for freer access to their fellow Azerbaijanis in northern Iran ( numbering up to 14,000,000 — twice the number of Soviet Azerbaijanis ) , and to rich agricultural land given over to border defences .
2 Greek mental-health legislation is out of date and gives little or no protection to patients .
3 Announcing a 13% rise in net profit yesterday , Hong Kong Telecommunications Ltd chief executive Michael Gale said that Cable & Wireless Plc had no plans to cuts its 58.5% stake in the company further , and is committed to staying after the territory returns to China in 1997 .
4 Richard Reeves , for instance , is quite savagely critical , presenting Ford as a rather vain , ignorant and vacuous man with no attachment to goals or principles , but a great talent for ingratiation .
5 Bilal Alkaisi ( 27 ) , arrested yesterday , entered no plea to charges of aiding and abetting the bombing when he appeared in court .
6 Thirty four-year old Michael Shorey entered no plea to charges that he murdered Patricia Morrison and Elaine Forsyth in Holloway in July .
7 The was occupied , against the wishes of the village , by the college , with no improvements to premises considered unsafe and too dangerous to be continued to be used as a public library .
8 An expert may have no entitlement to fees and expenses if the reference itself is invalid , as appears to have been the consequence in Darlington Borough Council v Waring & Gillow ( Holdings ) Ltd [ 1988 ] 2 EGLR 159 , discussed at 10.4.2 .
9 Although not discussed at the Forum meeting , and since the local authority directors are nominated on an agreed two year cycle , it is assumed that there is no opposition to Councillors , and being appointed to complete their second year .
10 But he is no stranger to monsters , having played Lambert Le Roux in Pravada and Hitler in The Bunker during the last 15 years .
11 The novelist was Philip Roth , no stranger to outcries himself , whose fictions reveal a multiple self which corresponds to the multiple self of Philip Roth .
12 She is no stranger to blandishments .
13 ‘ Judging by your ‘ incredible performance ’ of earlier this evening , you 're no stranger to men 's kisses . ’
14 Heaven knew she was no stranger to men 's admiring glances , but they 'd never had this effect on her before — nor anything remotely like it !
15 ‘ I was not at all nervous , it was fantastic , ’ said Liz , no stranger to heights after previously making glider flights and a parachute jump .
16 No violence to animals and no insensitive , deliberate exploitation of nature can be permitted or tolerated .
17 This impoverishes the 4m Sahelians , most of whom have no alternative to cattle farming .
18 Having filled their buckets with bright red liquid ( thanks for the colouring ) contestants in Blind-man 's buff had to rely on shouts from supporters to get back to their corner with a few drops left in the buckets — no thanks to members of the Summer Fayre committee who kept moving the obstacles — just in case it good too easy you understand !
19 Agriculture coped with the demands of the growing population with almost no recourse to imports .
20 The inshore limits of wave erosion are related to the heights of high tides , so that the inshore margin of a marine terrace may vary by 6–7 5 m ( 20–25 ft ) ( half the tidal range ) from areas with no tides to areas with the maximum tidal ranges known .
21 Below left : No particular pattern and no aspirations to prizes but a well-loved pet .
22 Already the estoppel doctrine has little or no relevance to transactions on The Stock Exchange under the TALISMAN system ; The Exchange and the member firms will ensure that the parties get what they have bargained for .
23 Florence Nightingale , for example , believed that the vote had no relevance to women 's work .
24 René was at pains during 1990 to deny any plans to change the one-party system , stating in February that events in eastern Europe had no relevance to seychelles .
25 I wished to make the simple point that the Labour party 's ’ Fair Rates ’ document makes no reference to students , and to add that , in my view , our proposals offer students the best deal that they have been offered by any system of local finance .
26 The Labour party 's document makes no reference to students .
27 The Committee made no reference to complaints from Members , although the IBA survey showed that the percentage of MPs who found the Chamber too hot rose from 9 before the experiment to 36 after it had run for four months .
28 The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties continues this distinction and makes no reference to interests of third parties .
29 Theoretical or descriptive surveys not based on empirical research commonly make no reference to women at all , or allot them a specific section on ‘ work and the family ’ or some such title .
30 The British Minister for Sport , Hector Monro , pointed out that the Gleneagles agreement was irrelevant here as it made no reference to actions by one country against the nationals of another , but on 26 February the British High Commissioner in Georgetown was notified that Jackman 's visitor 's permit had been withdrawn and he must leave the country .
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