Example sentences of "more often to be " in BNC.

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1 They are more often to be seen on Irish calendars than in real life ( except as ruins ) , but many survive as comfortable homes .
2 And to compound the difficulty of how best to interpret the statistics , the author of the test has conceded that physicians , instrument makers , naval experts , agricultural reformers , and general applied scientists are more often to be found among the parliamentarians in the sample .
3 The weekly covers things he more or less knows about and it seems more often to be of more direct concern to him and his family than an event that happened elsewhere .
4 And in the more general upheaval of political beliefs which accompanied ‘ the strange death of liberal England ’ , influential judges were more often to be found towards the right of the spectrum of opinion .
5 I have vacated that nice little office in back there , making way for an older man , and am now more often to be found in the consulting rooms .
6 This is not to imply that the mid-nineteenth-century ( male ) bourgeois ( or those who aspired to be like him ) was merely dishonest , preaching one morality while deliberately practising another , though patently the conscious hypocrite is more often to be found where the gap between official morality and the demands of human nature is unbridgeable , as in this period it often was .
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