Example sentences of "more [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It provides subordinates with greater job satisfaction by giving them more say in decision-making which affects their work .
2 ‘ Well , give them more ownership and more say in management decisions ; give them stock options ; give the unions more clout — whatever it takes . ’
3 Since January 1990 all governing bodies of schools in Denmark have had complete control over school budgets , curricula , staff appointments and day-to-day management — the intention being to give teachers and parents more say in school management .
4 Some post-colonial examples have already been given , and more appear in Chapter 7 .
5 If a walk is taken into the higher fastnesses of the glen , as may quite easily be done for several miles , more and more appear in succession ; indeed , there is a through route for walkers , not available to those who have to return to parked cars , all the way to Loch Treig and Corrour Station : a memorable expedition .
6 The wily Queen , knowing that her position was totally dependent on Rome , handed him over as a prisoner , giving her ally more cause for gratitude and reward .
7 More die of cancer , heart disease , famine , measles and virtually anything else you can think of .
8 Whichever is the answer , one might protest that it is among the most self-evidently absurd generalisations to have been made since the ludicrous title of Saul Bellow 's last full-length novel , More Die of Heartbreak , to which one must answer : no , more do not die of heartbreak .
9 It gives peasants more control through literacy ; teaches women about family planning and child nutrition .
10 Guided by them , we will make our country more competitive , creative , and just ; more secure against crime , aggression and environmental danger .
11 ‘ I no more believe in destiny than you apparently do .
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