Example sentences of "more [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having said that , I must admit to a vested interest since my concern with Riley 's view of work by contemporary artists , and the dismissive nature of the term ‘ simulationist ’ is allied with a desire in my own work to somehow examine more keenly the principle foundations upon which notions of ‘ abstraction ’ are laid .
2 Nothing could demonstrate more elegantly the fascination there is in studying animals today .
3 I believe that it is in the interests not only of the United Kingdom but of the whole world that we should seek to pursue much more vigorously the possibility of a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing .
4 These difficulties , it is argued , although in part the result of the marginalization of the arts in British education at national level , are also caused by the failure of arts educators to come to terms with the reasonable expectations of those charged with administering INSET at local level and thereby exploit more effectively the support for the arts of those charged with administering education .
5 Congress alone has the power to decide whether the present laws can or can not be amended so as to carry out more effectively the objects of law .
6 The abstractions of a type description may be preferred on occasions in that they activate more effectively the process of learning .
7 By mid-century , therefore , almost every European government was making efforts to control more effectively the recruitment and promotion of its diplomats .
8 There has been a trend in recent years for manufacturers to shorten their channels in order to control more effectively the distribution of their products , particularly where expensive advertising has been used to pre-sell the goods to the consumer .
9 So it happened that both Polybius and Posidonius were involved in exploring the lands of the West , and more conspicuously the lands of France and Spain — with the consequences which I hope to illustrate in my next lecture .
10 The more significant the contribution of the dead person , the more powerfully the grief has to be shown , even if it means , as in some eastern countries , hiring women to act as professional mourners following the funeral procession , weeping and wailing .
11 The last of these in particular sent shock waves running through those still loyal to Nazism , produced new hope among illegal opposition groups in Germany , and stirred up more widely the feeling that the seemingly impregnable Nazi regime might after all suddenly be toppled .
12 Sometimes this knowledge is supplemented by some familiarity with theoretical linguistics illustrated by examples from the language in question , or more rarely the knowledge of literature is wholly or partly replaced and supplemented by knowledge of the contemporary history , sociology and economics of a country where the language is spoken .
13 This species is commonly known as the Malayan Angel-fish , Mono and more rarely the Fingerfish .
14 Other approaches are marginalized as being ‘ theoretical ’ ( that is , not sufficiently practical ) or perhaps more properly the concern of another discipline .
15 First , it is evident that the broad public interest criteria which are identified in the Fair Trading Act 1973 and the Competition Act 1980 , and the existence of the ‘ gateways ’ in the Restrictive Trades Practices Act 1976 , potentially ( and in practice ) permit issues to be considered that either have little or nothing to do with economic efficiency , or are more properly the concern of other areas of policy .
16 But then the British — or perhaps more properly the English — deal best with their own .
17 One former employee at Church House recalls occasions when he has intervened in staffing decisions more properly the sphere of General Synod on the basis that it is he who writes the cheques .
18 Should there be specialist social workers in area teams with responsibility for developing dementia teamwork , or would this be more properly the function of the specialist social worker for the elderly ? iii Would the care of dementia sufferers as well as that of other groups be enhanced is care of the elderly was integrated at local level , uniting the functions of the geriatric and psychiatric services , or uniting both with social services for the elderly ? vi Alternatively would it be better to pursue the Griffiths proposal of Community care as an integrated organisation for the planning and delivery of care to a variety of disabled groups ?
19 It could be argued that in agreeing to a single date the project leader is taking decisions more properly the province of higher management .
20 It could be argued that in agreeing to a single date the project leader is taking decisions more properly the province of higher management .
21 The point , according to the restructuring school , is that the relative importance of these factors , and perhaps even more importantly the way they combined together , would depend on the characteristics of each case .
22 That Nottinghamshire went on working reflects not simply the self-interest of its miners but more importantly the culture that their predecessors ( many of them their ancestors ) helped to create and transmit to the present .
23 Not necessarily for what he did on the pitch , although the trickery and goals certainly helped but more importantly the presence of the man , and excitement he inspired amongst his colleagues .
24 It would take a teacher a great deal of time to prepare such graphs manually but more importantly the software allows pupils to manipulate it to discover aspects of pond life for themselves .
25 The end result is a lovely camouflaged effect , but more importantly the dye has roughened up the normally smooth surface of the reed , which will now take a good varnish that will not chip off .
26 But perhaps more importantly the transvestite was contributing to a knowledge and a culture which undermined the discursive formations of authority itself , doing so through her perverse reinscription within those formations .
27 A little more passion ( from the players but more importantly the crowd ) will solve that one .
28 That said , you know , I know and more importantly the fish know exactly what they like , and that is live food .
29 More importantly the Yarm Road industrial estate is beginning to snowball as a location for hi-tec businesses and facilities . ’
30 Quite effective , but more importantly the book is good too , a mesmerising children-in-peril tale with escalating fear .
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