Example sentences of "more [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And yet all that makes something much more intensely demanding of this , their Mother debut .
2 Put another way , the overload , or hyperpluralist , perspective is more keenly attuned to the realities of aspects of politics in the seventies than is the pluralist perspective which was very much a product of the cosy consensus politics of the fifties and sixties .
3 In general , most Renaissance texts were open to being co-opted into a part in these royal games ( the term usefully suggests the way private activities such as sexual intrigues were more expressly combined with public political questions during the Renaissance ) .
4 The process whereby rivers have been straightened and lowered to allow all riverside land to be more intensively cropped for grass and grain has often been expensive in terms of both wasted investment and loss of landscape .
5 But as many as are thus sottish , let them enjoy their own wildness and ignorance , it is sufficient for a good man that he is conscious unto himself that he is more nobly descended , better bred and born , and more skilfully taught by the purged faculties of his own mind.2
6 Dead trees turn out to be commonplace — hundreds of them standing knee deep in the wide , slow meanders of the Murray River or more loosely scattered in a macabre parkland where what passes for good grazing has been toasted a mauvy brown by the long summer sun .
7 Partly for historical reasons , such as the impact the Poor Law made on their memories , and partly as a result of their attitudes towards financial ‘ dependence ’ on the state , there are grounds for believing that some of these factors are more acutely felt by older people than other age groups .
8 With increasing oceanicity , precipitation increases and is more uniformly distributed over the year , the number of ‘ wet ’ days increases , and humidity and wind speeds rise , while annual temperature range decreases ( Poore & McVean 1957 , McVean & Ratcliffe 1962 ) .
9 The precise costing of the alternatives was difficult ( particularly since the nationalised rail and coal industries both refused to give guidance on their future prices which were a crucial element in the analysis ) , but by 1950 a working party chaired by Sayers concluded that , on balance , a higher-voltage superimposed network — Citrine insisted it be more elegantly referred to as the ‘ Supergrid ’ — would be worthwhile .
10 Other material , mostly involving colour-printing , are more cost-effectively dealt with by external services on contract .
11 The latter are more slowly converted into blood sugar , mainly because of the digestive processes described in the previous chapter .
12 A placid and leafy place indeed , except that it has also the local nickname of Enfer des palombes or ‘ The wood pigeons ’ hell' , because nowhere are these migrating birds more vigorously hunted on their autumn flight south than around Sare .
13 Large scale problems or decisions are usually more effectively tackled by being systematically broken down into more manageable components .
14 For the vast majority , the historical gap between the age of the martyrs and the age of the established church was more effectively bridged by the cult of the martyrs .
15 The fundamental issue here ( especially for the arts in education ) appears to be how schools can be more effectively alerted to developments in education .
16 A good working relationship also enhances an officer 's intelligence system , more effectively bringing to his attention knowledge of pollutions for which the discharger or his neighbours may be responsible .
17 Differences in strike commitment are liable to be more effectively explained in terms of such variables as the culture of each coalfield , traditional loyalties to the area or national levels of the union and the type of lead given by branch and area officials at the outset of the dispute .
18 Conservative ideologists had had much to say about the case for bringing market conditions more effectively to bear upon the distribution of social services , but only in the housing field had Conservative governments taken steps that represented major responses to this viewpoint .
19 Fortunately , these transient flora are more effectively removed by handwashing than the resident flora .
20 The British and the West Germans , however , remained convinced that the USSR would be more effectively restrained by the belief that Nato would use tactical nuclear weapons almost from the start of a war .
21 Sales to these consumers ( which had been more effectively restrained in the difficult 1940s ) rose more rapidly than those to domestic consumers in the first ten years of nationalisation .
22 Today , it seems , domestic development is much more effectively promoted by integration in a world economy : accepting foreign capital into the domestic economy , with production specialized for a world market ( and relying upon imports ) .
23 The majority of courses provided students with insufficient help to understand clearly the place of English , or language , within the whole primary curriculum , that is to say how language ability should be developed in the context of the various elements of the curriculum and how in turn these can be more effectively learned by appropriate language activities .
24 But in the local bargaining situation , trade union strength is more effectively measured in terms of their following in the workplace .
25 This publications audit will often turn up other interesting facts that you might have been unaware of like two departments doing exactly the same thing through different outside agencies or short runs being hammered out on page printers when they could have been more effectively produced on a photocopier or by a print shop .
26 In much of this material there was little attempt to relate such antipathy and prejudice to a consistent and coherent theory of behaviour , but the assumption and arguments on which it was based can be seen as the origins of a racial nationalist ideology which was to be more rigorously formulated at a later date .
27 Theories may also in the US be more rigorously tested by the wealth of longitudinal studies and demographic statistics .
28 But I did n't because I quickly discovered that I was even more fundamentally opposed to unnecessary pain — and resorted to an epidural anaesthetic .
29 They are more fundamentally divided by their disparate conceptions of the human individual — a fact which lies at the heart of their views of explanation .
30 The underlying programme is indeed desperate — it was in response to the death of a beloved daughter — but the despair is the more powerfully expressed for being contained .
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